static void MSA_Init(void) { UInt msaWaitPeriod = MSA_WAIT_PERIOD * 1000 / Clock_tickPeriod; UInt msaLed4Period = MSA_LED4_INITIAL_PERIOD * 1000 / Clock_tickPeriod; UInt msaSendTimerPeriod = MSA_WAIT_PERIOD * 1000; // In microseconds. Error_Block eb; Error_init(&eb); // Create Timer Timer_Params_init(&msaSendTimerParams); msaSendTimerParams.arg = (UArg)MSA_SEND_PERIOD_EVENT; msaSendTimerParams.period = 10000; msaSendTimerParams.periodType = Timer_PeriodType_MICROSECS; //msaSendTimerParams.periodType = Timer_PeriodType_COUNTS; msaSendTimerParams.runMode = Timer_RunMode_ONESHOT; msaSendTimerParams.startMode = Timer_StartMode_AUTO; timerHandle = Timer_create(Timer_ANY, MSA_ClockFxn, &msaSendTimerParams, &eb); // msaSendTimerId = 1; // Timer_construct(&msaSendTimer, msaSendTimerId, MSA_ClockFxn, &msaSendTimerParams, NULL); /* Open LED PIN driver */ //ledPinHandle = PIN_open(&ledPinState, ledPinTable); /* Initialize clock wait parameters */ //Clock_Params_init(&msaSendParams); /* Create a one-shot wait timer */ //msaSendParams.period = 0; //msaSendParams.startFlag = FALSE; //msaSendParams.arg = (UArg)MSA_SEND_EVENT; //Clock_construct(&msaSend, MSA_ClockFxn, msaWaitPeriod, &msaSendParams); /* Initialize clock poll parameters */ Clock_Params_init(&msaPollParams); /* Create a periodic poll timer */ msaPollParams.period = msaWaitPeriod; msaPollParams.startFlag = FALSE; msaPollParams.arg = (UArg)MSA_POLL_EVENT; Clock_construct(&msaPoll, MSA_ClockFxn, msaWaitPeriod, &msaPollParams); /* Initialize clock poll parameters */ Clock_Params_init(&msaLed4Params); /* Create a periodic poll timer */ msaLed4Params.period = msaLed4Period; msaLed4Params.startFlag = TRUE; msaLed4Params.arg = (UArg)MSA_LED4_EVENT; Clock_construct(&msaLed4, MSA_ClockFxn, msaLed4Period, &msaLed4Params); /* Setup parameters for debounce timeout */ //Clock_Params_init(&msaKeyParams); //msaKeyParams.period = 0; //msaKeyParams.startFlag = false; /* Keycallback for keys */ //Clock_construct(&msaKey, MSA_keyCB, KEY_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, &msaKeyParams); /* Initialize keys */ MSA_initKeys(); /* Register the current thread as an ICall dispatcher application * so that the application can send and receive messages. */ ICall_registerApp(&macAppEntity, &sem); /* Send a MAC init message */ MAC_Init(); /* initialize MAC features */ #ifdef MSA_FFD MAC_InitCoord(); #else MAC_InitDevice(); #endif /* Reset the MAC */ MAC_MlmeResetReq(TRUE); /* Initialize MAC beacon */ #ifdef MSA_FFD MAC_InitBeaconCoord(); #else MAC_InitBeaconDevice(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_MAC_SECURITY /* Initialize the security part of the application */ MSA_SecurityInit(); #endif /* FEATURE_MAC_SECURITY */ /* Initialize the data packet */ for (uint_least8_t i=MSA_HEADER_LENGTH; i<MSA_PACKET_LENGTH; i++) { msa_Data1[i] = i-MSA_HEADER_LENGTH; } /* Initialize the echo packet */ for (uint_least8_t j=0; j<MSA_ECHO_LENGTH; j++) { msa_Data2[j] = 0xEE; } msa_BeaconOrder = MSA_MAC_BEACON_ORDER; msa_SuperFrameOrder = MSA_MAC_SUPERFRAME_ORDER; #if defined( USE_FPGA ) /* Send a fake UP key for FPGA to start the association */ MSA_HandleKeys(Board_KEY_UP); #endif /* USE_FPGA */ } static void MSA_Process(void) { static uint8 index; static uint8 sequence; /* Forever loop */ for (;;) { ICall_ServiceEnum stackid; ICall_EntityID dest; TimacMSG_MacCbackEvent_t *pMsg; uint16_t events; //for(int i=0;i<1000000;i++); /* Wait for response message */ if (ICall_wait(ICALL_TIMEOUT_FOREVER) == ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS) { /* Retrieve the response message */ if (ICall_fetchServiceMsg(&stackid, &dest, (void **) &pMsg) == ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS) { if ((stackid == ICALL_SERVICE_CLASS_TIMAC) && (dest == macAppEntity )) { MSA_ProcessEvent(pMsg); } if (pMsg) { ICall_freeMsg(pMsg); } } { UInt key = Hwi_disable(); events = msa_events; msa_events = 0; Hwi_restore(key); } if(events & MSA_POLL_EVENT) { MSA_McpsPollReq(); } if(events & MSA_LED4_EVENT) { PIN_setOutputValue(ledPinHandle, Board_LED4, !PIN_getOutputValue(Board_LED4)); } if(events & MSA_KEY_EVENT) { MSA_HandleKeys(keys); keys = 0; } if(events & MSA_SEND_PERIOD_EVENT) { Timer_start(timerHandle); MSA_McpsDataReq((uint8*)msa_Data1,80, msa_DeviceRecord[index].isDirectMsg, msa_DeviceRecord[index].devShortAddr ); } if(events & MSA_SEND_EVENT) { /* Do it again */ if (msa_State == MSA_SEND_STATE) { /* Start sending */ if (msa_IsCoordinator) { if (MSA_PACKET_LENGTH >= MSA_HEADER_LENGTH) { /* Coordinator sending to devices. Use the associated list of device to send out msg */ msa_Data1[0] = MSA_PACKET_LENGTH; msa_Data1[1] = HI_UINT16(msa_DeviceRecord[index].devShortAddr); msa_Data1[2] = LO_UINT16(msa_DeviceRecord[index].devShortAddr); msa_Data1[3] = sequence; } /* MSA_McpsDataReq((uint8*)msa_Data1, MSA_PACKET_LENGTH, msa_DeviceRecord[index].isDirectMsg, msa_DeviceRecord[index].devShortAddr ); */ /* Reset the index if it reaches the current number of associated devices */ if (++index == msa_NumOfDevices) { index = 0; } } else { if (MSA_PACKET_LENGTH >= MSA_HEADER_LENGTH) { /* Device sending to coordinator */ msa_Data1[0] = MSA_PACKET_LENGTH; msa_Data1[1] = HI_UINT16(msa_CoordShortAddr); msa_Data1[2] = LO_UINT16(msa_CoordShortAddr); msa_Data1[3] = sequence; } /* MSA_McpsDataReq((uint8*)msa_Data1, MSA_PACKET_LENGTH, TRUE, msa_CoordShortAddr ); */ } #if defined (NV_RESTORE) && defined (FEATURE_MAC_SECURITY) msa_keyTable[0].frameCounter++; if(msa_keyTable[0].frameCounter % 1000 == 0) { nv_write(MAC_NV_KEY_TABLE, 0, sizeof(msa_keyTable), &msa_keyTable); } #endif /* defined (NV_RESTORE) && defined (FEATURE_MAC_SECURITY) */ if (sequence++ == 0xFF) { sequence = 0; } PIN_setOutputValue(ledPinHandle, Board_LED1, !PIN_getOutputValue(Board_LED1)); } } } } }