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Coordinator realignment消息包是什么情况下会出来呢?

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

请问下各位,附件中这个孤立节点声明是什么意思呢?为什么我一直收到这个数据包?并且后面还紧跟一条 Coordinator realignment,怎么修正呢?

If the decision is for orphaned device alignment, orphan scan is performed. During the orphan scan, the MAC sublayer shall discard all frames received over the PHY data service that are not coordinator realignment MAC command frames. For each logical channel over a specified set of logical channels, the device sends an orphan notification command. The device shall then enable its receiver for at most aResponseWaitTime symbols. If the device successfully receives a coordinator realignment command within this time, the device shall disable its receiver

If a coordinator receives the orphan notification command, it searches its device list for the device sending the command. If the coordinator finds a record of the device, it shall send a coordinator realignment command to the orphaned device. Otherwise, it shall ignore the packet. The orphan scan terminates when the device receives a coordinator realignment command or the specified set of logical channels has been scanned.

Hi Viki,


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