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烧写z-stack Sample代码,发现其中一个模块底板LCD上显示的IEEE地址为: 0000000000000000

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

刚刚购买的CC2538DK, 烧写z-stack Sample代码,发现其中一个模块底板LCD上显示的IEEE地址为: 0000000000000000。 是不是模块有问题?

Which Z-Stack Home version you are using?
How did you download the image to CC2538, via SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 or IAR?
If you use SmartRF Flash Programmer2 and the Z-Stack version is Z-Stack Home 1.2.1, maybe the issue is in the bin file which generated from IAR.
In CC2538 IAR project, the unused code memory was set to 0x00 in default.
The right way is set to 0xFF for unused code memroy.This issue have been fixed in Z-Stack Home 1.2.2.

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