z-stack home developer's guide里面
if the Coordinator is constrained to one channel, and
the specified Pan Id has already been established on that channel, the newly starting Coordinator will make
successive changes until it achieves a unique Pan Id. A Router or End-Device newly joining will have no way of
knowing the value of the “de-conflicted” Pan Id established, and will therefore join only the Pan Id specified. A
similarly challenging scenario arises when the permitted channel mask allows more than one channel and the
Coordinator cannot use the first channel because of a Pan Id conflict – a Router or End-Device will join the
specified Pan Id on the first channel scanned, if allowed.
这句话 A
similarly challenging scenario arises when the permitted channel mask allows more than one channel and the
Coordinator cannot use the first channel because of a Pan Id conflict – a Router or End-Device will join the
specified Pan Id on the first channel scanned, if allowed.怎么理解啊?我怎么看不懂?
/* Default channel is Channel 11 - 0x0B */
// Channels are defined in the following:
// 0 : 868 MHz 0x00000001
// 1 - 10 : 915 MHz 0x000007FE
// 11 - 26 : 2.4 GHz 0x07FFF800
//-DMAX_CHANNELS_868MHZ 0x00000001
//-DMAX_CHANNELS_915MHZ 0x000007FE
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x04000000 // 26 - 0x1A
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x02000000 // 25 - 0x19
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x01000000 // 24 - 0x18
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00800000 // 23 - 0x17
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00400000 // 22 - 0x16
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00200000 // 21 - 0x15
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00100000 // 20 - 0x14
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00080000 // 19 - 0x13
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00040000 // 18 - 0x12
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00020000 // 17 - 0x11
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00010000 // 16 - 0x10
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00008000 // 15 - 0x0F
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00004000 // 14 - 0x0E
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00002000 // 13 - 0x0D
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00001000 // 12 - 0x0C
-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00000800 // 11 - 0x0B
/* Define the default PAN ID.
* Setting this to a value other than 0xFFFF causes
* ZDO_COORD to use this value as its PAN ID and
* Routers and end devices to join PAN with this ID
如果把ZDAPP_CONFIG_PAN_ID改成0xFFFF以外的值的话,那么协调器在建立网络就以这个值作为PANID,对于路由和终端设备来说就加入到指定的PANID网络中去。 如果定义-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00000800 // 11 - 0x0B,表示协调器在建立网络时只会在11信道上进行扫描的,而且网络也只会在11信道建立,对于节点来说也只会在11信道搜索加入网络。如果第一协调器在信道11上建立网络以特定的PANID=0x1111,那么第二个协调器也在信道11上建立网络,发现想建立的PANID=0x1111,发现已经这样的网络存在了,导致冲突,那么这个时候第二个协调器会把网络的PANID自动改为0x1112,建立一个新的网络。这时候如果你的节点本来是想加入到第二个协调器去的,现在就加不上了,因为节点并不知道PANID冲突,一直尝试向0x1111,加网,实际想加的那个协调器已经改成0x1112了。