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IAR DMA 程序是否能改写 KEIL?

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

一个 IAR DMA 转KEIL 不知道怎么转?

#pragma bitfields=reversed  *******************************88
typedef struct {
   BYTE VLEN      : 3;
   BYTE LENH      : 5;
   BYTE LENL      : 8;
   BYTE TMODE     : 2;
   BYTE TRIG      : 5;
   BYTE SRCINC    : 2;
   BYTE DESTINC   : 2;
   BYTE IRQMASK   : 1;
   BYTE M8        : 1;
#pragma bitfields=default

void use_dma_one(void)
  DMA_DESC dmaChannel;
  BYTE  sourceString[16] = "SHENZHEN WXL";
  //sourceString[0] = 0;
  //sourceString[1] = 7;
  BYTE  destString[14];

   SET_WORD(dmaChannel.SRCADDRH, dmaChannel.SRCADDRL,   &sourceString); // The start address of the data to be transmitted
   SET_WORD(dmaChannel.DESTADDRH, dmaChannel.DESTADDRL, &destString);   // The start address of the destination.
   SET_WORD(dmaChannel.LENH, dmaChannel.LENL, 12);    // Setting the number of bytes to transfer.
   //dmaChannel.VLEN      = VLEN_USE_LEN;  // Using the length field to determine how many bytes to transfer.
   dmaChannel.VLEN      = VLEN_USE_LEN;
   dmaChannel.PRIORITY  = PRI_HIGH;      // High priority.
   dmaChannel.M8        = M8_USE_8_BITS; // Irrelevant since length is determined by the LENH and LENL.
   dmaChannel.IRQMASK   = FALSE;         // The DMA shall not issue an IRQ upon completion.
   dmaChannel.DESTINC   = DESTINC_1;     // The destination address is to be incremented by 1 after each transfer.
   dmaChannel.SRCINC    = SRCINC_1;      // The source address inremented by 1 byte after each transfer.
   dmaChannel.TRIG      = DMATRIG_NONE;  // The DMA channel will be started manually.
   dmaChannel.TMODE     = TMODE_BLOCK;   // The number of bytes specified by LENH and LENL is transferred.
   dmaChannel.WORDSIZE  = WORDSIZE_BYTE; // One byte is transferred each time.

  DMAIRQ = 0x00;
  while( !(DMAIRQ & DMA_CHANNEL_0) );

请参考: http://e2e.ti.com/support/low_power_rf/f/156/t/17207.aspx


Group Not Found The requested Group cannot be found.



one of the things to consider when porting code from IAR EW8051 to the Keil C compiler is that they have different endianness (little endian vs big endian, respectively). This will most likely cause trouble for structs containing DMA configuration descriptor, as the chip requires the various fields to be ordered in a specific way (see the data sheet). As this doesn't give any compiler warnings this problem can be hard to notice when you're not aware of it. But when you are, it is quite easy to check that the DMA configuration struct has the correct layout by inspecting the struct in the debugger.

Other things that will need porting is intrisic functions [ e.g. asm("nop") -> _nop_() ] (if used), memory attributes [e.g.  __xdata -> xdata ] and maybe you will need to change the syntax for declaring the ISR functions. 

#pragma bitfields=reversed 问题是这个keil无法使用


short a:3;   /* a is 3 bits */
short :5;   /* this reserves a hole of 5 bits */
short b:4;   /* b is 4 bits */
} bits;      /* bits is 16 bits */
  15                    12  11                       8 7                             3 2                    0         
Hole(4)                                b:4                         Hole(5)                     a:3
#pragma bitfields=reversed
short a:3;   /* a is 3 bits */
short :5;  /* this reserves a hole of 5 bits */
short b:4;  /* b is 4 bits */
} bits;     /* bits is 16 bits */
  15                    13  12                       8 7                             4 3                    0  
              a:3                          Hole(5)                    b:4                      Hole(4)

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