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The design enables OV788 ultra-low power video compression chip users to bring live streaming capabilities of audio and video data over Wi-Fi® very easily. It showcases a single chip implementation of RTP video streaming + Wi-Fi connection on the SimpleLink™ CC3200 Wi-Fi wireless micro-controller over 802.11 b/g/n networks from any smart phone, tablet, or computer over local network. This design implementation is well suited with a wide range of Internet of Things (IoT) applications such as battery operated intrusion cameras, door locks, video doorbells and 360-degree multi-cameras in smart homes taking advantage of easy commissioning to a Wi-Fi network and advanced low-power modes from the CC3200 Internet-on-a-chip™ solution.

  • Supports Capture and streaming of: Video - 720p @ 15FPS
  • Supports Capture and streaming of: Audio – PCM, 16bps @ 11025Hz
  • Supports RTP/RTSP protocols
  • SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi solution over 802.11 b/g/n networks

2 Getting Started 2.1 Prerequisites The following components are required to evaluate the TIDC-CC3200-VIDEO design: • CC3200 Module Rev 2.0 • OV788 Reference Design Board Rev 3.0 • OV9712 CMOS Camera Sensor with Optic Lens • Apple® iPhone®/iPad® or Android™ Smartphone • 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi Access Point • Tools for Programming and Logging – CC3200-LAUNCHXL Rev 4.1 – PC running Microsoft Windows® 7 2.2 Installation of Tools and Software 1. Download and install the following software components from ti.com to the Windows PC. This guide assumes the components are downloaded to location C:\TI. • CC3200SDK v1.2.0 • CC3200SDK-PROVISIONING v1.0.0.0 (To be installed into the above SDK) • CC3200SDK-SERVICEPACK v1.0.1.6- For installation and setup details of the SDK, refer to the CC3200-SDK’s Getting Started Guide. 2. Download the CC3200 Video Doorbell package cc3200_video_doorbell_v01 from TI’s shared location to the Windows PC and copy cc3200_video_doorbell_v01\cc3200-sdk\* to C:\TI\CC3200SDK_1.2.0\cc3200-sdk\. This action copies the following folders: • cc3200-sdk\docs to C:\TI\CC3200SDK_1.2.0\cc3200-sdk\docs • cc3200-sdk\example\video_camera to C:\TI\CC3200SDK_1.2.0\cc3200-sdk\example • cc3200-sdk\netapps\rtp_rtcp and cc3200-sdk\netapps\rtsp to C:\TI\CC3200SDK_1.2.0\cc3200- sdk\netapps • cc3200-sdk\third_party\ov_sif_inerface and cc3200-sdk\third_party\ov788_firmware to C:\TI\CC3200SDK_1.2.0\cc3200-sdk\ third_party 3. Install the provisioning application on the iOS/Android Smartphone. 4. Download the Uniflash tool from ti.com, and install on the Windows PC. 5. Download VLC v2.7 and Discovery iOS applications from Apple’s App-Store, and install them on the iOS device. Alternatively, download the RTSP Player v4.4.0 and Bonjour Browser Android applications from Android’s Play Store, and install them on the Android Smartphone 2.3 Updating Device Software If the service pack, application binaries, and OV firmware files are already programmed on the CC3200MOD device, proceed to Section 2.4. Otherwise, follow the instructions below. How to program the CC3200-MOD device: 1. Mount the CC3200-MODULE board on OV788 board as shown in Figure 8. Ensure J1 of both boards are aligned with each other. www.ti.com Getting Started TIDUCK9–November 2016 13 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated SimpleLink™ CC3200-OV788 Video and Audio Streaming Over Wi-Fi® Reference Design Figure 8. CC3200-MODULE Board Mounted on OV788 Subsystem 2. Assuming the jumpers on the CC3200-LAUNCHXL are connected as shown in Figure 9, remove jumpers J6, J7, J8, J9, J10, J11, J12, and J15. Figure 9. CC3200-LAUNCHXL Default Jumper Connections 3. Connect the UART TX line of the CC3200-MODULE board with Pin-1 of J7 on the CC3200- LAUNCHXL, as shown in Figure 10 [1]. 4. Connect the UART RX line of the CC3200-MODULE board with Pin-1 of J6 on CC3200-LAUNCHXL, as shown in Figure 10 [2]. 5. Connect the SOP2 line of the CC3200-MODULE board with VCC or Pin-1 of J15 on CC3200- LAUNCHXL, as shown in Figure 10 [3].


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