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cc3200 get-weather 例程出错问题

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

我把例程里的服务器改成自己的,相应的信息也改了,可是程序串口总是输出 HTTP Status Code: -112这个我在网上没有找到准确的答案,下面是我的部分程序。谢谢大神们了。



After code change as below, I got the "get weather" example runs correctly.

@ get_weather\main.c

//#define POST_BUFFER "&mode=xml&units=imperial"
#define POST_BUFFER "&mode=xml&units=imperial&APPID=<Your APPID>"

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find most frequently asked questions answered here.

Q: I get an error 403 on trying to access historical weather data

A: Our weather data is currently available only on commercial terms as part of our separate paid plan. In case you are willing to subscribe please see our plans available. Should you need customization please open a new ticket and provide us with the following information:

  • How large a volume of API calls per minute you need.
  • How long back in history you need weather data to cover.
  • For which location you need our history data.

Basing on this information we would be more than happy to help you choose the plan, terms and conditions that best fit your case.

Q: API calls return an error 401

A: Starting from 9 October 2015 our API requires a valid APPID for access. Note that this does not mean that our API is subscription-only now - please take a minute to register a free account to receive a key.

We are sorry for inconvenience but this is a necessary measure that will help us deliver our services to you faster and more reliably.

For FOSS developers: we welcome free and open source software and are willing to help you. If you want to use OWM data in your free software application please register an API key and file a ticket describing your application and API key registered. OWM will review your request lift access limits for your key if used in open source application.

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