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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:






官方的cc3200 camboost 有模块卖么? 有设计文档么? 

官方的目前也没找到,不过淘宝上有只支持MT9D111的cc3200 camboost在买了。http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.109.JBAsRp&id=43247625194&ns=1&abbucket=4#detail

官方的等了好久都还没出来,不过本地产的在淘宝上能找到了。你也可以发邮件联系厂商 cy_lucky0421@126.com.



Loading a session

There are two ways to load a session. One is from the top status bar by 'File -> Open Configuration'. The other way is from the Quick start guide by clicking on one of the recent sessions.
Choosing an existing .usf file, UniFlash will be populated with the same template, token and other GUI changes from the saved session. Once loaded, any changes that users perform in the GUI will automatically be saved to the same configuration.

loading a session.jpg

loading a session from bar.jpg

File Programming


Programming of the device is applied upon pressing the 'Program' button. Another way is from the top bar by clicking Operation->Program. Upon pressing the 'Program' button, Uniflash utility scans all target filenames and configuration groups listed and applies the followings (ordered):

  1. each file with the 'erase' argument set to True is erased from the device
  2. each file with the 'update' argument set to True is flashed to the device
  3. each file with the 'verify' argument set to True is verified by reading it back from the device

Note that the files are scanned top-down as appears on the Uniflash main view screen. 

Uniflash does not do conversions for binary-to-text encoded files (e.g. hex, Base64).

Non-secured file programming

Non secured file programming may be applied on a secured device as well. The only option under 'mode' for a non secured file is rollback option. 
The relevant configuration is listed below:

  • Name: target file name. System filenames cannot be modified whereas user filenames may be modified by the user.
  • Mode: nothing is checked, indicates non secured file. Only rollback may be checked.
  • MaxSize: 0 to indicate the original file size. User may configure a file size larger than the original if it is desired to save space for future appending.
  • Url: full path where the file is located.
  • Update checkbox: checked for flashing
  • Verify checkbox: checked for flashing verification

non secure flashing.jpg

Upon pressing the 'Program' button, the file is flashed. The progress bar is updated frequently and messages are printed on the 'Console' sub screen.

Secured file programming

See Secured File System support paragraph. Uniflash version v3.2.0.00123 supported security configuration options per file but this feature is deprecated from Uniflash until devices support this feature. 
All security configuration options still appear on Uniflash GUI but greyed out.

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