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How to change/config compile sample projects From TI to GNU (Linaro) tool in CCS6?

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

Sample projects can be imported into CSS6 and build/run without problem with default TI compile toolchain, while I need to switch to GNU compile tool since one lib I used contains GNU assemble files and don't want to rewrite with TI assemble, while during the switch, seams all configs are empty, tried to config all include/lib paths and still see other errors when link, eager to know if TI already has some guide on this. thanks for any hint.

Please refer to C:\ti\CC3200SDK_1.2.0\cc3200-sdk\docs\CC3200-Programmers_Guide.pdf in which there is detailed description for gcc&gdb.

Thanks for the quick response, just noticed the document and am trying to setup GCC/GDB under cygwin as guided.

Still want to know if the CSS6 GNU(Liano) compiler option can work or not, since CC6 is really convience than openocd, or this is just a experence option for advance/internal use only. Thanks.

I'm not sure about this since I have never tried it. You might want to have a try, appreciate if you can share your experience on it. thanks.

Config CCS using GCC is possible, here are some suggestions. Before that, I would suggest user staying with CCS's TI compile tool since default settings works fine.

If do want to use GCC, cygwin is your choise since TI formally suport it. The last one is CSS/GCC.

Config GCC in CSS is painful. when switch from TI compile to GCC, all project settings are cleared. First thing is to config proper pathes and libraries. secondary is to write link file which can copy from some example apps which contains GCC dir. Last is to config compile flags, like --entry RestISR and others, which can be vary case by case. after these steps, CSS/GCC will work fine like GCC/TI.

But I still have one issue left, that I cannot use "--rom_model" link flags in GCC which will case finally bin file size larger of 10KB. I would think this flag is related to driverlib which has a copy in CC3200 rom, woul like to know how can I do this in GCC. Please help, thanks!

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