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cc3200-iar freertos的问题

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:




// Same application can be used to demonstrate TI-RTOS demo with a small change
// in CCS project proerties:
// a. add ti_rtos_config in workspace and add as dependencies in
// project setting Build->Dependecies->add
// b. Define USE_TIRTOS in Properties->Build->Advanced Options->
// Predefined Symbols instead of USE_FREERTOS
// c. add ti_rtos.a in linker files search option


FreeRTOS is an opensource RealTime Operating system. Its
implements only a very minimalist set of functions: very basic handle
of tasks and memory management, and nothing is provided for network
communication, drivers for external hardware, or access to a
filesystem. However, among its features are the following
1. Preemptive tasks
2. Small footprint
3. Written in C and compiled with various C compiler
4. Unlimited number of tasks can run at the same time
5. Implements queues, binary and counting semaphores and mutexes.
6. Inter Task communication is accomplished using queues.
Application details
The objective of this application is to showcasing the FreeRTOS feature like Multiple task creation, Inter task
communication using queues. Two tasks and one queue is created. one of the task sends a constant message into the
queue and the other task receives the same from the queue. after receiving every message, it displays that message
over UART.
Source Files briefly explained
main - Main file that showcases the two tasks communicating with each other using a queue.
pinmux - Pinmux configurations as required by the application.
uart_if - To display status information over the UART.
• Setup a serial communication application (HyperTerminal/TeraTerm). For detail info visit Terminal setup
On the host PC. The settings are:
- Port: Enumerated COM port
- Baud rate: 115200
- Data: 8 bit
- Parity: None
- Stop: 1 bit
- Flow control: None
• Run the reference application (Flashing the bin/IAR/CCS).
• Observe the status messages displayed by second task on the host over COM port.

请教一下,   ccs ti rtos  和 iar free rtos 有区别吗? 是不是大体都一样。 程序用哪个 都可以,出现问题也比较好解决。

他们之前 切换 是不是只需要简单的设置(如 ti 切换到 free )?

ti rtos加入了低功耗,两者没有大的差别,freertos是开源的,另一个是ti自己的。使用freertos你能跟到内核代码,ti的很难。

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