首页 > 研发问答 > 无线和射频 > TI WIFI设计交流 > CC3100移植 void _SlDrvHandleGeneralEvents(SlDeviceEvent_t slGeneralEvent);没有定义报错

CC3100移植 void _SlDrvHandleGeneralEvents(SlDeviceEvent_t slGeneralEvent);没有定义报错

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

void _SlDrvHandleGeneralEvents(SlDeviceEvent_t *slGeneralEvent),移植stm32f4的getting_statrted_with_ap后编译出错,void _SlDrvHandleGeneralEvents(SlDeviceEvent_t *slGeneralEvent);没有定义,是user.h配置不对吗?。定位到函数解释,看的比较模糊,这个函数具体是什么用的?谢谢

Step 7 - Set your asynchronous event handlers routines

The SimpleLink device generate asynchronous events in several situations. These asynchronous events could be masked. In order to catch these events you have to provide handler routines. Please notice that if you not provide a handler routine and the event is received, the driver will drop this event without any indication of this drop.


已经解决,是user.h没有配置好增加 #define sl_GeneralEvtHdlr       SimpleLinkGeneralEventHandler

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