首页 > 研发问答 > 无线和射频 > TI WIFI设计交流 > 建立socket连接之后,第一次通讯的Recv到,以后的就收不到了这是什么情况?


时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

int BsdTcpServer(unsigned short usPort) {
    SlSockAddrIn_t sAddr;
    SlSockAddrIn_t sLocalAddr;///??????????
    //int iCounter;
    int iAddrSize;
    int iSockID;
    int iStatus;
    //int iNewSockID;
    //long lLoopCount = 0;
    long lNonBlocking = 1;
    //int iTestBufLen;

    long lRetVal = -1;

//filling the TCP server socket address
    sLocalAddr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
    sLocalAddr.sin_port = sl_Htons((unsigned short) usPort);
    sLocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;

    // creating a TCP socket
    iSockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET, SL_SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (iSockID < 0) {
        // error

    iAddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);

    // binding the TCP socket to the TCP server address
    iStatus = sl_Bind(iSockID, (SlSockAddr_t *) &sLocalAddr, iAddrSize);
    if (iStatus < 0) {
        // error

    // putting the socket for listening to the incoming TCP connection
    iStatus = sl_Listen(iSockID, 0);
    if (iStatus < 0) {

    // setting socket option to make the socket as non blocking
    iStatus = sl_SetSockOpt(iSockID, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_NONBLOCKING,
            &lNonBlocking, sizeof(lNonBlocking));
    if (iStatus < 0) {
    iNewSockID = SL_EAGAIN;//////??

    // waiting for an incoming TCP connection
    while (iNewSockID < 0) {
        // accepts a connection form a TCP client, if there is any
        // otherwise returns SL_EAGAIN
        iNewSockID = sl_Accept(iSockID, (struct SlSockAddr_t *) &sAddr,
                (SlSocklen_t*) &iAddrSize);
        if (iNewSockID == SL_EAGAIN) {
        } else if (iNewSockID < 0) {
            // error

    ////UART 接收
    while (iFlag) {

    // close the connected socket after receiving from connected TCP client
    //iStatus = sl_Close(iNewSockID);//
    // close the listening socket
    //iStatus = sl_Close(iSockID);//注释的地方

    return SUCCESS;


wlan ap


    void WlanAPMode(void *pvParameters) {
    //int iTestResult = 0;
    unsigned char ucDHCP;
    long lRetVal = -1;


    lRetVal = ConfigureSimpleLinkToDefaultState();
    if (lRetVal < 0) {
        if (DEVICE_NOT_IN_STATION_MODE == lRetVal)
                    "Failed to configure the device in its default state \n\r");

    UART_PRINT("Device is configured in default state \n\r");

    // Asumption is that the device is configured in station mode already
    // and it is in its default state
    lRetVal = sl_Start(NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (lRetVal < 0) {
        UART_PRINT("Failed to start the device \n\r");
    UART_PRINT("Device started as STATION \n\r");
    // Configure the networking mode and ssid name(for AP mode)
    if (lRetVal != ROLE_AP) {
        if (ConfigureMode(lRetVal) != ROLE_AP) {
            UART_PRINT("Unable to set AP mode, exiting Application...\n\r");

    while (!IS_IP_ACQUIRED(g_ulStatus)) {
        //looping till ip is acquired

    unsigned char len = sizeof(SlNetCfgIpV4Args_t);
    SlNetCfgIpV4Args_t ipV4 = { 0 };

    // get network configuration
    lRetVal = sl_NetCfgGet(SL_IPV4_AP_P2P_GO_GET_INFO, &ucDHCP, &len,
            (unsigned char *) &ipV4);

            "IP: %d.%d.%d.%d ;\r\nMASK: %d.%d.%d.%d;\r\nGateway: %d.%d.%d.%d;\r\nDNS: %d.%d.%d.%d;\r\n",
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4, 3), SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4, 2),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4, 1), SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4, 0),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4Mask, 3), SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4Mask, 2),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4Mask, 1), SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4Mask, 0),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4Gateway, 3),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4Gateway, 2),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4Gateway, 1),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4Gateway, 0),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4DnsServer, 3),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4DnsServer, 2),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4DnsServer, 1),
            SL_IPV4_BYTE(ipV4.ipV4DnsServer, 0));

    if (lRetVal < 0) {
        UART_PRINT("Failed to get network configuration \n\r");

    UART_PRINT("Connect a client to Device\n\r");
    while (!IS_IP_LEASED(g_ulStatus)) {
        //wating for the client to connect
    UART_PRINT("Client is connected to Device\n\r");

    lRetVal = BsdTcpServer(5001);

    if (lRetVal < 0) {
        UART_PRINT("TCP Service failed \n\r");

    // revert to STA mode
    lRetVal = sl_WlanSetMode(ROLE_STA);
    if (lRetVal < 0) {

    lRetVal = osi_TaskCreate(ReceiveTask, (const signed char*) "RECRIVETASK",
        OSI_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 12, NULL);
        if (lRetVal < 0) {


void ReceiveTask(void *pvparameters) {
    char cRxBuf[100];
    int iStatus;
    while (1) {
        iStatus = sl_Recv(iNewSockID, cRxBuf, 64, 0);

        if (iStatus > 0) {
            //if (cRxBuf[iStatus - 2] == 0x0d)
                cRxBuf[iStatus] = 0;

                sl_Send(iNewSockID, cRxBuf, sizeof(cRxBuf), 0);
                mem_set(cRxBuf, 0, 64);
                iFlag = 0;


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