首页 > 研发问答 > 无线和射频 > TI WIFI设计交流 > 自己做CC3200的底板,识别不了串口!


时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

我公司现在想自己做IOT模块用在家电上面,使用CC3200。按TI CC3200 lanch pad 的图纸,我分离出了底板和模块,重新画了底板,然后将wifi模块独立出来。打板出来贴片完毕,插上USB口,只能识别到USB-com口,也能装上驱动,但无法识别为CC3200LP,也就无法完成程序烧写。再看看图纸,发现FTDI芯片上连了一块93LC46B的memory。我估计这里要烧写识别串口的某些固件。

试一下wiki链接 http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC31xx_%26_CC32xx_FTDI_Flashing 的步骤

If your CC3100/CC3200 is not recognized, install the FTDI D2XX driver.

  1. Install the the FT_PROG
  2. Connect the USB cable between the PC and your target board.
  3. Install either CC3200_SDK and/or CC3100_SDK package, depending on what platform you are using.
  4. Open FT_PROG and press F5 (or refresh) to refresh the list of connected FTDI devices.
  5. Right click the device and select erase.
  6. Right click the device choose Apply Template -> From file and choose the corresponding .xml template file from the download section above.
  7. Press Ctrl+P
  8. Reset board by unplugging and plugging USB cable.

谢谢,Susan! 我试试先!

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