如何CC2540 把在BLE1.3的程序移植到 BLE1.4中去。
大家好,我有个问题,我在BLE1.3 下用IAR 8.10.3 写了一个程序。然后我用 IAR 8.10.3 或者 IAR 8.20编译下载完全没有问题。
但是当我把我的peripheral, central 和profile 文件拷到 BLE 1.4目录下,用IAR 8.20 编译的时候,就报错了。
Error[Pe165]: too few arguments in function call C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.4.0\Projects\ble\Profiles\Roles\peripheral.c 662
这里面指的代码是 这个函数的return 那行。这个函数是在peripheral.c中。
我的问题是 大概是怎样的一个思路如果我把代码从BLE1.3移植到BLE1.4当中呢?
bStatus_t GAPRole_TerminateConnection( void ) { if ( gapRole_state == GAPROLE_CONNECTED ) { return ( GAP_TerminateLinkReq( gapRole_TaskID, gapRole_ConnectionHandle ) ); } else { return ( bleIncorrectMode ); } }
Porting BLEv1.3.2 Projects to BLEv1.4.0
- Move (or Copy) the project files from C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.3.2\Projects\ble\$PROJECT$ to C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.3\Projects\ble\$PROJECT$ where $PROJECT$ is your project folder.
- If you modifed any files from C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.3.2\Projects\Profiles, you will need to merge your changes with the new 1.4.0 version.
- Open your project (now in the 1.4.0 folder) with IAR 8.20.
- When prompted, choose yes to convert for use with new version.
- Compile and save your project.
You should be aware of two project-specific changes:
- The functionality of the PLUS_BROADCASTER define has changed so that the peripheralBroadcaster.c and peripheralBraodcaster.h files are no longer needed. See the modified simpleBLEperipheral project for how to accomodate this.
- Advertising will now begin again after a connection is dropped by default. To remove this, comment out line 1021 of peripheral.c (shown below):
VOID osal_set_event( gapRole_TaskID, START_ADVERTISING_EVT );
- All UUID's are now stored in centralized locations: gatt_uuid.h and gatt_profile_uuid.h
Also, the following API's have changed:
- extern bStatus_t GAP_TerminateLinkReq( uint8 taskID, uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 reason );
- the third parameter "reason" has been added to allow the application to indicate the termination reason to the connected device - the GAPBondMgr_ProcessGAPMsg( gapEventHdr_t *pMsg ) function is no longer a void-type function. It returns a uint8 which indicates TRUE if safe to deallocate the incoming GAP message and FALSE otherwise
非常感谢。 您知道在哪能下到BLE 1.4.1么。因为要想升级到1.4.2得先升级到1.4.1
我最近从官网下载了非常成熟的1.42版本,然后使用iar 10.1编译,测试效果