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使用BLE5 Stack测试CC2640R2 LaunchPad的通讯距离

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

刚刚使用了2块CC2640R2  LaunchPad分别下载了ble5的simple_central和simple_peripheral来作通讯距离测试,首先把两个板子连接成功,再拿着下了peripheral程序的板子移动,下载了central的板子保持不动,结果发现两个板子的距离超过50M就断开连接了。请问一下正确的测试方法是怎么样的呢?

请参考longrange的视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VkbGIEFn4g

先建立连接,然后在peripheral那块板上,通过按键,一个是选择一个是确认,选择使用coding n=8, 125kbps,,然后再试试. 

另外,50M是在什么环境下,有穿墙,上楼的情况吗? TI的测试虽在室内,不过相对是比较好的测试环境.

# BLE5-Stack Long Range Peripheral

## Functional Overview

This example page will demonstrate the Bluetooth™ 5 Long Range
capabilities of the Texas Instruments CC2640R2 SDK's BLE5-Stack.

This project is a modified Simple Peripheral sample application from the
BLE5-Stack component of the SDK.

This list contains the changes from the standard Simple Peripheral example:
- Removed the Simple GATT Profile
- Added Support for a custom profile called Throughput Profile
- Added Support for a custom profile called Temperature Profile
- Based on the [Sensor Tag's Temperature profile](http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC2650_SensorTag_User's_Guide#IR_Temperature_Sensors)

The Long Range Peripheral is intended to be a head-less device that can used
with a USB-powered battery pack to evaluate range capabilities. All the control
functions are handled by the Long Range Central device. Once connected, the
Central instructs the Peripheral to negotiate the use of the Coded PHY at which
the device will update the LED status and start gather temperature data.
Similarly, when the Central enables notifications on the Temperature Profile's
Data Characteristic, the peripheral will send the temperature data to the
central at a 1s interval. Once the connection is dropped or terminated, the
peripheral must be moved within the range of a 1M PHY.

## Project Hardware
- 1 CC2650R2 Launchpad

### LED Output

- RED: Solid RED indicates the device is not connected to a central.
- GREEN: Blinking GREEN indicates the device is connected to a central in
using the Long Range Coded PHY (S8).

### Two Button Menu

The Two Button Menu system is designed to utilize the two push buttons available
on the CC2640R2 Launchpad. The left button (BTN1) is always used to cycle
between options. The right button (BTN2) is used to activate the selected action
or item.

The Two Button Menu is set up by default to utilize the back channel UART
present on the Launchpad as it's display.

### Running the Demo

1. Compile and load the projects:
- First build and load `ble5_longrange_peripheral_cc2640r2lp_stack`
- Next build and load `ble5_longrange_peripheral_cc2640r2lp_app`

 我的测试是在空旷的操场,之前的测试我是直接拿1.35 SDK中的simple peripheral来测试的,没有用long range。

刚才我重新使用了long range的工程来测试了,PHY是使用默认的,如下图


举高一点,测距时动作,参照上面视频的方式. 这个代码其实写得不是太好,断开不重连的. 



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