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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:


也是可能的. 下面是蓝牙4,5在跳频上的一些说明供参考. 另外, TI针对临到干扰的指标使用的是blocking和selectivity,可以关注下.

•BT 4.x LE channel hopping scheme:

–nextChannel = ( previousChannel+ hopIncrement ) mod37

–hopIncrement = <5, 16>

•12 different hopping patterns

•BT 5.x LE channel hopping scheme:

–Pseudo random sequence

–Adjacent connection event will have a guaranteed minimum frequency separation

Bluetooth low energy 4.x channel hopping is based on a hopIncrement number selected randomly by the Central device during pairing. This number has a value from 5 to 16  which means that there are only 12 different channel hopping patterns available. With Bluetooth 5 this is replaced by a pseudo random sequence with a guaranteed minimum frequency separation between two consecutive connection intervals. This will increase the resiliance to interference (make the connection more robust) and discrease the likelyhood of nearby Bluetooth low energy devices transmitting on the same RF channels at the same time.

Note that Bluetooth low energy still does not certify as FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) devices either with FCC (US) nor with ETSI (Europe).



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