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将官网cc2650 Simple Peripheral 例程烧录到cc2640f128中不能reset

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

将官网cc2650 Simple Peripheral 例程烧录到cc2640f128中不能reset,板子是从某宝买的,之后我自己做的cc2640最小系统也出现同样的问题,将官网cc2650 bluetooth 烧录到cc2640中只能在线编程,一旦从新断电便不能工作,reset之后也不能继续工作,而且断电后电流将从3mA增大到6mA。我想问一下为什么,以及有没有解决的办法?

使用cc2640f128 5*5和7*7芯片都不可以reset。在线reset之后没有进入到reset入口,程序跑飞。


CC2650 CC2640的例程是通用的,相同的封装也是引脚兼容的

The multi-standard CC2650 wireless MCU supports BLE as well as other wireless protocols, such as 802.15.4. The CC2640 supports Bluetooth Low Energy only. All code generated from the BLE-Stack 2.0 SDK is binary compatible with both the CC2650 & CC2640. Additionally, IDE project configuration settings in the BLE-Stack v2.0 SDK for CC2650 & CC2640 are cross-compatible; however, it is strongly recommended to not change the CPU settings in the IDE. Although the CC2650 has the HW & ROM capability to support additional wireless protocols, a given SW build can only support one wireless protocol.


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