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@file gap.h API 翻译 翻译的不对的地方 请指正

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:


 * FUNCTIONS - Initialization and Configuation 

   * @brief       Called to setup the device.  Call just once on initialization.     
                  调用这个函数进行GAP 初始化(建立设备),仅仅在初始化中调用一次!
   *   NOTE: When initialization is complete, the calling app will be
   *         sent the GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT
       注意: 当初始化完成的时候,会给APP发送 GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT 事件
   * @param       taskID - Default task ID to send events.预先配置(初始化完成后)发送事件 的任务ID
   * @param       profileRole - GAP Profile Roles: @ref GAP_PROFILE_ROLE_DEFINES
   * @param       maxScanResponses - maximum number to scan responses 最大数量扫描响应应答
   *                we can receive during a device discovery.我们能接收 在一个设备搜寻期间!
   * @param       pIRK - pointer to Identity Root Key, NULLKEY (all zeroes) if the app
   *                wants the GAP to generate the key. 指针指向 身份
   * @param       pSRK - pointer to Sign Resolving Key, NULLKEY if the app
   *                wants the GAP to generate the key. 指针指向 签名分解
   * @param       pSignCounter - 32 bit value used in the SM Signing
   *                algorithm that shall be initialized to zero and incremented
   *                with every new signing. This variable must also be maintained
   *                by the application.
   * @return      SUCCESS - Processing, expect GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT, <BR>
   *              INVALIDPARAMETER - for invalid profile role or role combination, <BR>
   *              bleIncorrectMode - trouble communicating with HCI

  extern bStatus_t GAP_DeviceInit(  uint8 taskID,
                           uint8 profileRole,
                           uint8 maxScanResponses,
                           uint8 *pIRK,
                           uint8 *pSRK,
                           uint32 *pSignCounter );

2、extern bStatus_t GAP_SetAdvToken( gapAdvDataToken_t *pToken );

   * @brief       Called to setup a GAP Advertisement/Scan Response data token.
   *              调用这个函数建立 GAP 广播和 扫描应答数据获取
   *              SuoZhang,2017年5月9日08:54:24
   * NOTE:        The data in these items are stored as low byte first (OTA format).
   *              The passed in structure "token" should be allocated by the calling app/profile
   *              and not released until after calling GAP_RemoveAdvToken().
     注意:       这些项目中的数据被存储为低字节(OTA格式)。通过结构分配的“令牌”应该调用应用程序/配置文件*和没有公布,直到后调用GAP_RemoveAdvToken()。
   * @param       pToken - Advertisement/Scan response token to write. 广播/扫描 应答或者写。
   * @return      SUCCESS - advertisement token added to the GAP list <BR> 成功:广播成功加入 GAP 的 表中!
   *              INVALIDPARAMETER - Invalid Advertisement Type or pAttrData is NULL <BR> 无效的广播类型或者数据为NULL.
   *              INVALID_MEM_SIZE - The tokens take up too much space and don't fit into Advertisment data and Scan Response Data<BR>
   *                                  令牌占用太多的空间和不符合广告数据和扫描响应数据.
   *              bleInvalidRange - token ID already exists.<BR> 令牌ID 已经存在.
   *              bleIncorrectMode - not a peripheral device<BR> 不是从机设备.
   *              bleMemAllocError - memory allocation failure, 内存分配失败.
  extern bStatus_t GAP_SetAdvToken( gapAdvDataToken_t *pToken );

没什么大问题,这句“maximum number to scan responses we can receive during a device discovery”的翻译我觉得有点拗口,在一次设备发现过程中可以接收到的最大扫描响应数  改成这样会比较好

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