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BLE-Stack v3.0.1 新特点更新分享

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

BLE-Stack v3.0.1的SDK已发布,在这和大家分享一下在这次更新中的一些新特性的增加,



[硬件]订购CC2640R2 LaunchPad 链接如下:


[学习]访问 TI  SimpleLink Academy portal. 

[更新]With BLE-Stack v3.0.1 you can do the following:

  • Completely develop any single-mode BLE application for peripheral, central, broadcaster or observer with up to 31 GPIOs


  • Develop multi-role applications that allow the CC2640R2F wireless MCU to function as a peripheral and/or central on up to 8 concurrent connections


  • Add BT SIG adopted profiles for HID over GATT (HOGP), Glucose and Heart Rate as well as custom TI Audio and firmware update (OAD) profiles. Create additional  profiles with

             BT profiles增加HID over GATT (HOGP), 血糖仪, 心率仪以及可自定义TI Audio 和OAD 无线升级

  • Support for automatic code generation of any adopted or custom Bluetooth GATT profile with TI’s plugin for Bluetooth Developer Studio (BDS)

             对后续的profile支持TI’s plugin for Bluetooth Developer Studio(BSD)

  • Use the real-time, multi-tasking TI-RTOS and included device drivers to develop your custom application on the ARM® Cortex®-M3 CPU running at 48 MHz



  • Use Code Composer Studio™ (CCS) v7.1 for free or IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

             编译软件开发环境采用免费的CCS v7.1 同时支持IAR for ARM 编译器

  • Add additional reference applications with the BLE Example Pack, including a voice enabled remote control, Blood Glucose Meter, HID keyboard and heart rate sensor


  • Use TI’s Over-the-Air Download (OAD) profile to be ready for TI’s upcoming Bluetooth 5 SDK upgrade

             通过TI OAD profile 可以无线升级为即将到来的BT 5.0 SDK 升级

  • Add BLE to an existing MCU or MPU with the SimpleNP peripheral network processor or using TI’s SPPBLE serial over BLE reference design.

             增加SimpleNP 外设BLE网络处理器, CC2640R2F作为外置的MCU或者MPU

  • Access cutting-edge examples on TI’s SimpleLink GitHub page, including a two-way voice over BLE (VoBLE) demo

             对于附加的TI BLE例程可以访问TI’s SimpleLink GitHub 包括远程语音控制演示例程

更多信息请大家访问 TI 官网


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