首页 > 研发问答 > 无线和射频 > TI蓝牙设计交流 > CC2640F128RSMR 44 封装,出现 能下载,不能debug 的问题?

CC2640F128RSMR 44 封装,出现 能下载,不能debug 的问题?

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

在2640 7*7 做的大板用于工程 样机 调测功能没问题,并调通 了 gyro 等 传感器等主要功能,,,,但是,小批量公司 要做成 小板用在产品上,出现 能下载 不能  debug 的问题,,硬软件 工程师 搞了 一周 找不到 问题?

量取 电压等 正常,

请 大神 帮忙!

这是Flash Programmer 2的下载状态提示,是OK的......但在IAR里安调试按钮就不能下载和调试!

>Initiate access to target: XDS-TIZ89C3EA.
>Reading file: C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/examples/cc2650em/key_fob/iar/stack/FlashROM/Exe/key_fob_cc2650em_stack.hex.
>Reading file: C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/examples/cc2650em/key_fob/iar/app/FlashROM/Exe/key_fob_cc2650em_app.hex.
>Start flash erase ...
>Erase finished successfully.
>Start flash programming ...
>Programming finished successfully.
>Start flash verify ...
>Skip verification of unassigned page: 8.
>Skip verification of unassigned page: 9.
>Skip verification of unassigned page: 10.
>Skip verification of unassigned page: 11.
>Skip verification of unassigned page: 12.
>Skip verification of unassigned page: 13.
>Skip verification of unassigned page: 14.
>Skip verification of unassigned page: 15.
>Page: 0 verified OK.
>Page: 1 verified OK.
>Page: 2 verified OK.
>Page: 3 verified OK.
>Page: 4 verified OK.
>Page: 5 verified OK.
>Page: 6 verified OK.
>Page: 7 verified OK.
>Page: 16 verified OK.
>Page: 17 verified OK.
>Page: 18 verified OK.
>Page: 19 verified OK.
>Page: 20 verified OK.
>Page: 21 verified OK.
>Page: 22 verified OK.
>Page: 23 verified OK.
>Page: 24 verified OK.
>Page: 25 verified OK.
>Page: 26 verified OK.
>Page: 27 verified OK.
>Page: 28 verified OK.
>Page: 29 verified OK.
>Page: 30 verified OK.
>Page: 31 verified OK.
>Verification finished successfully.
>Reset target ...
>Reset of target successfull.


你调试工具用的什么?连Flash Programmer2有没有提示升级固件?

Flash program 2版本是1.7.4,没有提示要升级!


调测 工具 是 XDS100


Michael wong,

你4*4mm芯片在用Flash Programmer下载程序后能正常运行吗?我个人觉得你是没有在对应IAR程序中更改对应的头文件和配置。TI 例程默认是支持7*7mm的,如果改为4*4mm芯片,你需要在对应的地方更改头文件,让其IO和外设对应正确才行。包括射频对应的配置。且还得看你的射频是单端还是差分的。

Michael wong ,






// RF Front End Mode and Bias Configuration

#if defined( CC2650EM_7ID )


  #define RF_FE_MODE_AND_BIAS           ( RF_FE_DIFFERENTIAL |                 \

                                          RF_FE_INT_BIAS )


#elif defined( CC2650EM_5XD ) || defined( CC2650EM_4XD )


  #define RF_FE_MODE_AND_BIAS           ( RF_FE_DIFFERENTIAL |                 \



#elif defined( CC2650EM_4XS )


  #define RF_FE_MODE_AND_BIAS           ( RF_FE_SINGLE_ENDED_RFP |             \

                                          RF_FE_EXT_BIAS )

#else // unknown device package


#error "***BLE USER CONFIG BUILD ERROR*** Unknown package type!"


#endif // CC2650EM_7ID





// Device Package and Evaluation Module (EM) Board


// The CC26xx device comes in three types of packages: 7x7, 5x5, 4x4.

// For each package, the user may change how the RF Front End (FE) is

// configured. The possible FE settings are provided as a set of defines.

// (The user can also set the FE bias, the settings of which are also provided

// as defines.) The user can change the value of RF_FE_MODE_AND_BIAS to

// configure the RF FE as desired. However, while setting the FE configuration

// determines how the device is configured at the package, it is the PCB the

// device is mounted on (the EM) that determines how those signals are routed.

// So while the FE is configurable, how signals are used is fixed by the EM.

// As can be see, the value of RF_FE_MODE_AND_BIAS is organized by the EM

// board as defined by EMs produced by Texas Instruments Inc. How the device

// is mounted, routed, and configured for a user product would of course be

// user defined, and the value of RF_FE_MODE_AND_BIAS would have to be set

// accordingly; the user could even dispense with the conditional board

// compiles entirely. So too with the usage of the Tx Power tables. As can be

// seen in bleUserConfig.c, there are two tables, one for packages using a

// differental FE, and one for single-end. This too has been organized by TI

// defined EMs and would have to be set appropriately by the user.


// For example:

// Let's say you decided to build several boards using the CC26xx 4x4 package.

// For one board, you plan to use a differential RF FE, while on the other you

// wish to use a single ended RFN RF FE. You would then create your own board.h

// (located by your preprocessor Include path name) that contains one of two

// defines that you create (say MY_CC26xx_4ID and MY_CC26xx_4XS). Then you can

// define your own choice of RF FE conditionally based on these defines

// (completely replacing those shown below), as follows:


//#if defined( MY_CC26xx_4ID )


//  #define RF_FE_MODE_AND_BIAS           ( RF_FE_DIFFERENTIAL |               \

//                                          RF_FE_INT_BIAS )

//#elif defined( MY_CC26xx_4XS )


//  #define RF_FE_MODE_AND_BIAS           ( RF_FE_SINGLE_ENDED_RFN |           \

//                                          RF_FE_EXT_BIAS )

//#else // unknown device package

// :


// In this way, you can define your own board I/O settings, and configure your

// RF FE based on your own board defines.




你需要在IAR设置里面首先修改preprocessor里面的pre define

把CC2650DK_7ID 改为CC2650DK_4XS.



#elif defined(CC2650DK_4XS)
#include <../../boards/CC2650DK_4XS/Board.h>
#include <../../boards/CC2650DK_4XS/CC2650DK_4XS.c>


感谢各位的 关注和回复。

已经用各位的建议在查代码和 重新测试了!

有任何进展 给大家报告和回复。


感谢 各位的  回复和关注。

这个问题 搞定了,,最根本的原因 是 那个 10uH 的电感,我们用错,采购成了 10nH 的。现在 已经 优化代码了。

10uH 很难找到 0402 封装的,挺遗憾的。只能先用 0805大 封装的了。

并用 打算,继续使用CC2640 R2 版本 测试。 

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