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some question about GATT_WriteNoRsp

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

On Central, I use GATT_WriteNoRsp() to send data,but I can't receive any data on Peripheral.

when I use GATT_WriteCharValue to send data,can receive data.

static void sendData( void )

  uint8 status;

  attWriteReq_t REQ;
  REQ.handle = 0x35;
  REQ.len = 20;
  for(status=0;status<20;status++)REQ.pValue[status] = simpleBLERXBUF[status];
  REQ.sig = 0;
  REQ.cmd = 1;
  status = GATT_WriteNoRsp( simpleBLEConnHandle, &REQ );


GATT_WriteNoRsp 是用于central端的,请问你是central还是peripheral?

DEBUG  Peripheral node , to see if data can be received?

on central

nothing received.

nothing received,but if I use GATT_WriteCharValue on Central,data can be received.

下一篇:CC254X system ID

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