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Broadacster advertising interval

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

我用 TI的 simpleBLEBroadcater 的里程,只修改 DEFAULT_ADVERTISING_INTERVAL  ,只要小于160 (100ms),就不能广播,LCD显示ERROR,

1.3.2和1.4.1协议栈都有这个问题,请问是什么原因?simpleBLEPeripheral 里程就可以小于 160. 这个范围不是应该可以在(20ms~32S)吗?

如下,如果是 scannable undirected event type or a non-connectable undirected event类型,连接间隔不能小于100ms

If the advertising event type is either a scannable undirected event type or a non-connectable undirected event type, the advInterval shall not be less than 100 ms. If the advertising event type is a connectable undirected event type, the advInterval can be 20 ms or greater.

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