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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:


        我在CC2541 Peripheral工程里将pairMode设置为GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_INITIATE,与主机连接时能自动进入绑定。但我将pairMode设置为GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_NO_PAIRING后只是与主机连接但不会绑定,请问应该怎么设置才能实现不要配对密码,连接后再绑定?谢谢!


GAP also handles the initiation of security features during a BLE connection. Certain data may be readable or writeable only in an authenticated connection. Once a connection is formed, two devices can go through a process called pairing. When pairing is performed, keys are established which encrypt and authenticate the link. In a typical case, the peripheral device will require that the central device provide a passkey in order to complete the pairing process. This could be a fixed value, such as “000000”, or could be a randomly generated value that gets provided to the user (such as on a display). After the central device sends the correct passkey, the two devices exchange security keys to encrypt and authenticate the link.
In many cases, the same central and peripheral devices will be regularly connecting and disconnecting from each other. BLE has a security feature that allows two devices, when pairing, to give each other a long-term set of security keys. This feature, called bonding, allows the two devices to quickly re-establish encryption and authentication after re-connecting without going through the full pairing process every time that they connect, as long as they store the long-term key information.




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