关于CC2640 ImageB OAD升级的问题
最近在搞CC2640 OAD升级的过程中发现了一个问题,请各位大神们指教。
我参考CC2640 BLE OAD User's Guide.pdf教程进行OAD工程的配置,发现需要
VII. Switch the RTOS in Flash configuration. In the Application Workspace, under the “TOOLS” folder, open appBLE.cfg. Comment out the first two lines as follows. This is because the Image B should not use TI-RTOS in ROM if the flash page 0 cannot be updated accordingly when the Image B is updated.
//var ROM = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.rom.ROM');
//ROM.romName = ROM.CC2650;
IAR ELF Linker V7.40.2.8542/W32 for ARM
Copyright 2007-2015 IAR Systems AB.
Error[Lp011]: section placement failed
unable to allocate space for sections/blocks with a total estimated minimum size of 0x996e bytes (max align 0x4) in <[0x00006050-0x0000efff]> (total uncommitted space 0x8fb0).
37 035 bytes of readonly code memory
2 375 bytes of readonly data memory
13 202 bytes of readwrite data memory
Errors: 1
Warnings: none
Link time: 0.19 (CPU) 0.19 (elapsed)
Error while running Linker
你需要再对照一下guide里面关于stack和application size的调整。
谢谢你的回复,如果我不把上面那两行代码注释掉的话是可以编译成功的,并且生成的OADbin.bin的大小也只有36k,没有超过OAD升级中ImageB的大小,但是通过BLE Device Monitor升级成功,复位设备后,发现并不能从ImageB启动。现在遇到的问题就是注释掉tools/appBLE.cfg中的那两行代码后,编译出现内存溢出的问题,是怎么回事?