首页 > 研发问答 > 无线和射频 > TI蓝牙设计交流 > 关于CC2640,配对中保留位的问题


时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:


You are probably suffering from a firmware bug on your peripheral which is exposed by some changes in iOS 9.

The reason for having this issue would be if your peripheral is calculating the key based on the assumption that some reserved bits (according to BLE Spec 4.0)  in the pairing request would always be zero.

iOS 9 is now using the new LE Secure Connections pairing model, and the SC bit is set to 1 in the pairing request.

The peripheral can ignore this request and choose to use the legacy pairing model, but it cannot ignore the bits when creating the keys, and must use the data as received to calculate them.

Peripherals are supposed to use the pairing request exactly as received to calculate the keys otherwise the keys will be wrong when iOS sends a pairing request with these bits (in this case the SC bit) set to 1




你使用的最新的SDK 2.1 吗?

因为我知道2540 的 SDK 1.4.1 对这个问题有解决,所以我问你是否用了最新的2640最新的SDK 2.1.


Hi  Y


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