128分频,定时器1使用调制模式,T1CC0 = 0X00FF,通道1-3比较输出PWM脉冲。隔一段时间PWM波形里多了大概0.4mS.
void PWM_init()
P0DIR|= BV(3)|BV(4)|BV(5);
P0SEL|= BV(3)|BV(4)|BV(5);
PERCFG |= 0x33; // Move USART1&2 to alternate2 location so that T1 is visible
T1CTL = 0x0e; // Div = 128, CLR, MODE = module
T1CCTL1 = 0x1c; // IM = 0; CMP = Clear output on compare; Mode = Compare
T1CCTL2 = 0x1c; // IM = 0; CMP = Clear output on compare; Mode = Compare
T1CCTL3 = 0x1c; // IM = 0, CMP = Clear output on compare; Mode = Compare
T1CNTL = 0; // Reset timer to 0;
T1CNTH = 0; // Reset timer to 0;
T1CCTL0 = 0x4C; // IM = 1, CMP = Clear output on compare; Mode = Compare
T1CC0H = 0x07; // Ticks = 375 (2.4ms)
T1CC0L = 0XF8; // Ticks = 375 (2.4ms)
T1CC1H = 0x03; // Ticks = 375 (1,5ms initial duty cycle)
T1CC1L = 0Xc0;
T1CC2H = 0x03; // Ticks = 375 (1,5ms initial duty cycle)
T1CC2L = 0Xc0;
T1CC3H = 0x03; // Ticks = 375 (1,5ms initial duty cycle)
T1CC3L = 0Xc0;
IEN1 |= 0x02; // Enable T1 cpu interrupt