cc2541 timer and 32M-XOSC 問題
Dear TI,
然後有沒有這種可能性是我在讀完sensor後馬上關掉32M-XOSC?因為當我們開了 OSC必須要額外耗了70uA.
Timer 1 is a 16-bit timer with timer/counter/PWM functionality. It has a programmable prescaler, a 16-bit period
value, and five individually programmable counter/capture channels, each with a 16-bit compare value. Each of
the counter/capture channels can be used as a PWM output or to capture the timing of edges on input signals. It
can also be configured in IR generation mode, where it counts timer 3 periods and the output is ANDed with the
output of timer 3 to generate modulated consumer IR signals with minimal CPU interaction.
Timer 2 is a 40-bit timer. It has a 16-bit counter with a configurable timer period and a 24-bit overflow counter
that can be used to keep track of the number of periods that have transpired. A 40-bit capture register is also
used to record the exact time at which a start-of-frame delimiter is received/transmitted or the exact time at which
transmission ends. There are two 16-bit output compare registers and two 24-bit overflow compare registers that
can be used to give exact timing for start of RX or TX to the radio or general interrupts.
Timer 3 and timer 4 are 8-bit timers with timer/counter/PWM functionality. They have a programmable prescaler,
an 8-bit period value, and one programmable counter channel with an 8-bit compare value. Each of the counter
channels can be used as PWM output.
CC2541 使用的timer2,RF 和 系統計時器用的都是timer2.
PM3 模式下沒有任何事件處理的情況下,是關閉32M XOSC的。
PM2 模式下,就是只要在連接的情況下,或者有定時事件的情況下,MCU在等待定時事件這段時間內,也是關閉32M XOSC的。
所以,只要你讀完sensor, 沒有其他事情的時候,系統是會自動關閉32M XOSC,然後進入PM3或者PM2的。
Dear Yan,
Thanks your support
Many thanks