cc2540作为搜索设备时,可以搜索到多少设备? 能同时配对几个设备?
Hi ming,
在BLE Stack中的readme文件中提到,一个master最多可以同时连接3个slave,并附有一定的限制:
- The stack now supports up to 3 simultaneous connection as a central / master
device, with a few constraints:
- All connection intervals must be a multiple of the minimum connection
interval (i.e. the minimum connection interval is the greatest common
denominator of all connection intervals).
- The minimum connection interval allowed is 25ms when using more than
one connection.
- When more than one connection is active, only one data packet per
connection event will be allowed in each direction.
- Scanning is not supported while in a connection. The consequences of
this is that device discovery is not possible while in a connection.
Therefore, to discover and connect to multiple devices, the device
discovery must occur before the first connection is established.
详见各版本stack的release note。
说实话这个25ms和1 packet/event的限制让我很伤神啊。。。