用CC2540 MINI DK和USB dongle做SerialApp,该怎么做?用BTOOL连接Dongle做central吗,dongle的程序选择哪一个,还有就是mini DK该怎么做
用CC2540 MINI DK和USB dongle做SerialApp,该怎么做?
还有就是mini DK是选择SerialAppPeripheral下载吗?我下载进去过后,用BTOOL没法收索到MINI DK。。。。
用CC2540 MINI DK和USB dongle做SerialApp,该怎么做?
Mini DK do not support the SerialApp becasue Mini DK cannot directly connect to a PC COM port.
While SmartRF05 Evaluation Board has RS232 logic convertion chip which can directly connect to PC COM port for the demo.
It is necessary to have two SmartRF04 + CC254xEM for the demo.
Btool + Dongle can act as BLE Central. The firmware needed on the donlge is HostTestApp (the BLE stack can be download from TI web)
还有就是mini DK是选择SerialAppPeripheral下载吗?我下载进去过后,用BTOOL没法收索到MINI DK。。。。
You can program/flash any BLE peripheral (keyfob, simpleBLEperipheral,...) code if you want to use Btool+dongle to act as Central to scan the device.
Again, you will need to program/flash the HostTestApp into the dongle.
Max data rate = 10640 bytes per second
我也在做Keyfob和USB Dongle之间的透传。