cc2541 sensortag網站抓的BLE 1.5怎麼include OAD service
Dear Ti,
我在網站抓的Ble stack 1.5,要用android firmware upgrade 出現error說 OAD service not available.
請問要怎麼include OAD service?
Thanks a lot
可以使用这个版本 包含OAD
Hi Susan,
我現在是在用SensorTag嘗試自己build出來可以含OAD Profile,不是以IMAGEA/IMAGEB 來build
但一直遇到IMAGE_HEADER must be defined 問題,只要link->symbol include FEATURE_OAD 就會造成這種ERROR
請問是哪個step miss掉?
BTW,想請問Image A 和 ImageB 兩者差別在哪裡?
Thanks a lot
1 可以按照wiki上的步骤尝试一下
2 参考 第4页 8.3.4
Image-A has a dedicated linker file which is necessarily different from the one for Image-B since this code will be
downloaded (or physically programmed) and run in-place.