BLE uart
uartConfig.configured = TRUE; uartConfig.baudRate = HAL_UART_BR_38400; uartConfig.flowControl = FALSE; uartConfig.flowControlThreshold = 128; uartConfig.rx.maxBufSize = 128; uartConfig.tx.maxBufSize = 128; uartConfig.idleTimeout = 6; uartConfig.intEnable = TRUE; uartConfig.callBackFunc = UserUartBack
Are you using TI BLE version 1.3.x ?
The above setting do not affect the UART packet receive. It just set the UART setting itself. By using DMA, it will receive a packet in the 128 bytes buffer and waiting for applicaiton to process.
Generally, if you are using TI BLE code, just define HAL_UART and DMA_PM=0. The UART will configure in DMA automatically.
假设我给uart写一串数据11 22 33 44 的时候 uartRxCB 接收的回调函数是调用了四次 我是想就只调用一次callback函数 要怎么解决?