首页 > 研发问答 > 硬件电路设计 > TI模拟硬件电路设计 > TLV320AIC3105电源模块无法开启


时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

TLV320AIC3105输出寄存器写入上电,但是电源状态寄存器Page 0/Register 94显示电源未上电。这是什么原因?

这是有关低功耗应用方面的情况, 手册有这样的介绍:

As the TLV320AIC3105 is designed for low-power applications, when powered up, the device has several features powered down. A correct routing of the TLV320AIC3105 signals is achieved by a correct setting of the device registers, powering up the required stages of the device and configuring the internal switches to follow a desired route.
• For more information of the device configuration and programming, refer to the TLV320AIC3105 technical documents section in ti.com (http://www.ti.com/product/TLV320AIC3105/technicaldocuments)

谢谢Airwill ,但是我已经设置过LEFT_LOP/M 的寄存器Page 0/Register 86,读出的装填显示“LEFT_LOP/M is not fully powered up”。

路由到LEFT_LOP/M/RIGHT_LOP/M的其他寄存器我也做过设置了,但是读出Page 0/Register 94显示0xc0“Left DAC/Right DAC is fully powered up,LEFT_LOP/M/RIGHT_LOP/M  output driver is powered down”。所有的寄存器我都看过好几遍了,没发现别的电源设置了。



PDF中的Page 0/Register 86的D0和Page 0/Register 93的D0寄存器描述错误。D0应该是W写,资料中写的是R读,浪费了我3天时间。

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