PurePath Studio
“Dynamic Mixer”Component 中,有个Control-Coef-name属性,该如何获得Coef-name String呢?
Best Regards
Frank Pan
Help 并没有讲清楚。在这个DEMO里Dyn_Mixer1_1的Control_coef_name是“Volume_1_volcmd”,Volume应该是那个音量调节component,可volcmd是怎来的呢?Help里说:
Control_Coef_Name - A string that should be assigned to a coefficient name which can be referenced. We will refer to this coefficient as Contol_Coef. The value of Contol_Coef will determine the mixture ratio of the input channels Channel 1 In and Channel 2 In. This property needs to be assigned during design time. A list of available coefficients that can be referenced is shown in Pure Path Studio Menu View/Source Code.
可我在Source Code里找不到什么啊。难道要连上Demo板才能看到?
你说的没错,那个名字指的就是Volume_1那个控件。 这个应该是代码内部的名称,如果你更改名字后编译就不能通过了。
按Help里的说法,应该有其它coefficient name 可用的,进入 View/Source Code后应当看到一个可用的LIST。我的版本加密了,什么都看不到。