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白皮书:让 LED 照明应用变“聪明”

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

     随着照明产业不断向 LED 技术方向转型过渡,对具有更高智能化的控制器和驱动器的需求越来越高。不断上涨的电价对无论对于消费者还是企业而言都构成了不菲的成本。不过,高效工作的 LED 能够实现显著的节约。本白皮书将详细介绍如何让众多 LED 照明应用具备智能化的功能。

Enable intelligent LED platforms with microcontroller-based architectures.The lighting industry is moving to LED technology across all major segments for the advantages they provide over incandescent, CFLs and even high-pressure sodium lights:

Benefits of LEDs

• Higher Efficiency: high lumens/watt provides substantial energy savings over traditional lighting sources.

• Lower Maintenance: LEDs have a lifetime on the order of 50,000 hours, and therefore require less frequent replacement or maintenance.

• Directional: Less light output is required to light an area when the light source can be directed. There is also less light run-off or light “pollution.”

• Resilience to Vibration: This is important for applications like street lighting where external forces can impact a light’s operating life.

• Safer Technology: LEDs do not contain mercury and are environmentally safer than other lighting technologies.

• Intelligent Control: LED light systems can support a wide range of advanced features to improve efficiency and provide more optimized lighting. Features range from automatic dimming to matching available ambient light and adaptive time-of-day operation to
maximize energy cost savings.

• Fast Operation: LEDs offer quick on-off switching and have a low startup time.



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