TUSB9261 GPIO10 Question
I want to use GPIO10 of TUSB9261 to check if this chip has any Data input or output.
If there is no input or output ,I want to let GPIO10 output a low voltage signal to help me cotrol the power of the sata disk.
But I don't know how to customer firmware to set GPIO 10 fucntion ,it 's always a high voltage output.
Hi Henry,
TUSB9261的GPIO10在default状态是未定义的,输出一直是高电平,如果你需要根据你的需求进行来进行自定义,那么需要通过HID来进行配置,可以参考“TUSB926x Flash Burner”等相关文档,谢谢!
GPIO10: Can use HID commands to change to output low or high. Compile option to configure as SATA drive power enable output.
顺便附上TUSB926x Flash burner GUI software,结合user's guide使用。