SELFOCAL Self offset calibration SYSOCAL—Offset system calibration.
This command initiates a system offset calibration. For a system offset calibration, the input should be externally set to zero. The OFC register is updated when this operation completes.
2.SELFOCAL是不是可以使用MUX1的MUXCAL2:0设置为001(Inputs shorted to midsupply (AVDD + AVSS)/2)? 还是指输入端必须接到GND,MUXCAL2:0设置为000(Normal operation)?
SYSGCAL—System gain calibration.
This command initiates the system gain calibration. For a system gain calibration, the input should be set to full-scale. The FSC register is updated after this operation.
1.PGA如何设置?按工作时的需要来设置还是设为1?.实际使用时PGA为其它时,是否需要将输入端接入Vref/PGA的差分电压,并设置MUXCAL为000(Normal operation),再进行SYSGCAL的校准?
2.如果使用MUXCAL2:0设置为010(VREFP – VREFN (full-scale)),那么PGA会被自动设为1还是需要手动设置PGA到1?
SELFOCAL—Self offset calibration.
This command initiates a self-calibration for offset. The device internally shorts the inputs and performs the calibration. The OFC register is updated after this operation.
手册只是提到 SELFOCAL 需要将输入置0,
具体校准过程, 详见 SBAS426G –AUGUST 2008–REVISED OCTOBER 2011 P31