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tas5630在PBTL模式下 接通电源就处于关断模式

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

tas5630在PBTL模式下 接通电源就处于关断模式,芯片不工作,但是能够测得VREG是3.7v的电压,芯片各个管脚的电压都正常。请问这是为什么啊?一直查不出是什么原因。芯片接通电源后,sd是亮的,otw接通瞬间亮了一下。芯片的out-A测量对地短路。

Hi, Weizhi,

Can you send more information about the failure.

-What is the power supply?

-what is the input signal(Vrms and frequency)?

-what is the load?

If you can send out the circuit, I think it will be more quickly to find the issue.

Best Regards.




The sch. looks fine.

Shutdown occurs due to a wide range of fault conditions, such as UnderVolatage, OverLoad, OverTemp or Pin to Pin Short Circuit (PPSC) protection.

So, I have another two questions:

1. What's the resistance of the load?

2.How do you deal with the heatsink?

Best regards.

1.If running with an open load, the LC filter might not have enough dampening. During transients or square waves on the inputs, oscillations can occur in the LC filter which can cause damage to the IC.

2.Grounding the heatsink is vital. It is very important to follow the rules about PCB layout shown in the data sheet and the EVM PCB layout.


It is abnormal that the out_a pin short to the GND. Please try another new chip.

Most inportant, make sure the voltage of the input not exceed 5V.




Officially, TI does not guarantee ANY device specs or even device operation outside of the noted operating temperature range (0-70°C).

For figure 13, we didn't test the output power with 2Ω load when case temperature is above 80 ℃.


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