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时间:12-13 整理:3721RD 点击:

Characters Numeric Controls and Indicators Accept
Numeric controls and indicators accept only the following characters.
Character(s) Description
Hexadecimal digits 0 through F
Octal digits 0 through 7
Binary digits 0 and 1
Decimal digits 1, 1.0, 2, 3.5, and so on
. Decimal point
+ Positive symbol
– Negative symbol
E or e For scientific or engineering notation format
Inf Infinity
NaN Not a number
/ For use in absolute time format, which changes based on the local settings for the computer
: For use in absolute time format, which changes based on the local settings for the computer
AM, am, PM, pm For use in absolute time format, which changes based on the local settings for the computer
SI prefixes
y yocto (10–24)
z zepto (10–21)
a atto (10–18)
f femto (10–15)
p pico (10–12)
n nano (10–9)
u micro (10–6)
m milli (10–3)
c centi (10–2)
d deci (10–1)
da deka (101)
h hecto (102)
k kilo (103)
M mega (106)
G giga (109)
T tera (1012)
P peta (1015)
E exa (1018)
Z zetta (1021)
Y yotta (1024)


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