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时间:12-13 整理:3721RD 点击:
用Call By Reference Node是不是不行啊?

If you use the Call By Reference Node to load a VI into memory and display the front panel, the rest of the block diagram does not execute until that VI finishes executing. If you want to load only the front panel of the VI, use the Front Panel:Open method.

so what should I do if I want to load a vi into memory AND keep the rest of the block diagram executing?
thx a lot~~


Front Panel:Open Method
Method of VI.
Opens the front panel window. If the front panel is already open, this method changes the state of the front panel window to the state you wire to this method. Use the Front Panel:Close method to close the front panel window.
You also can use the Front Panel Window:State property to set the state of a front panel window that is already open. Example
Name Description
activate If TRUE (default), the front panel window opens as the active window.

State Sets the state in which to open the front panel window. Valid values include 1 (Standard), 3 (Hidden), 4 (Minimized), and 5 (Maximized).
Invalid—If you set the input to this value, the method returns an error.
Standard (default)—Opens the front panel window but does not minimize, maximize, or hide the window.
Closed—If you set the input to this value, the method returns an error.
Hidden—Opens the front panel window as floating but not visible. If you set the
input to this value and close all references to the front panel, the window remains open but hidden. Because the VI is open, the Getting Started window does not appear. To solve this problem, open the VI from the operating system. For example, double-click the VI in Windows Explorer to open the VI.
Minimized—Opens the front panel window as minimized.
Maximized—Opens the front panel window as maximized.

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