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LabVIEW 中的自相关VI问题

时间:12-13 整理:3721RD 点击:
在LabVIEW 中产生三角函数波形作自相关分析,理论上其自相关波形也应该是三角函数,但实际上得到的是幅值衰减的波形,why???

The autocorrelation you mentioned is for a periodic signal. But in LabVIEW,
the autocorrelation function is for a stochastic signal. Thus, it's computed
by the linear convolution, but not the cyclic convolution. If you want to obtain
the periodic one, you'd better sample an integer number of cycles, and perform
the FFT; Then compute the iFFT of the power spectrum, that's the periodic
autocorrelation function you wanted.

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