DesignWare IP 安装问题(急)
因为最近需要DesignWare的一些 IP ,在开始安装有关AMBA总线的IP时,即安装dw_iip_amba_2009.06a.run时,在选择是否要原代码安装时出问题了,只能安装为加密的类型。由于我是用板上的EFA LICGEN 生产的license,里面也包括了相关DesignWare的Feture,但是我不知知道这个相关的产品ID(即下面画红线的那里)是多少,版上有知道的吼一声,急。
In addition to the encrypted product, this image contAIns the following
5 optional source features:
1) DWC-APB-Advanced-Source
2) DWC-DMAC-Source
3) DWC-APB-Periph-Source
4) DWC-AMBA-Fabric-Source
5) DWC-MEMCTL-Source
Please enter a comma-separated list of numbers for each of the source
features that you purchased. If you purchased all of them, you may
enter 'all'. If you purchased none of them, simply press the Enter key.
Enter numbers here: all
You selected the following source features to install:
1) DWC-APB-Advanced-Source
2) DWC-DMAC-Source
3) DWC-APB-Periph-Source
4) DWC-AMBA-Fabric-Source
5) DWC-MEMCTL-Source
Please enter your project ID for the source you purchased: ?
In addition to the encrypted product, this image contAIns the following
5 optional source features:
1) DWC-APB-Advanced-Source
2) DWC-DMAC-Source
3) DWC-APB-Periph-Source
4) DWC-AMBA-Fabric-Source
5) DWC-MEMCTL-Source
Please enter a comma-separated list of numbers for each of the source
features that you purchased. If you purchased all of them, you may
enter 'all'. If you purchased none of them, simply press the Enter key.
Enter numbers here: all
You selected the following source features to install:
1) DWC-APB-Advanced-Source
2) DWC-DMAC-Source
3) DWC-APB-Periph-Source
4) DWC-AMBA-Fabric-Source
5) DWC-MEMCTL-Source
Please enter your project ID for the source you purchased: ?
可以 看我license 那個文章 裡面有 自己加feature 的說明 你可能需要自己更新snpysys.src 檔 重新產生新的license
我的license里面已经包括了相关的future,现在不是没有future的问题,而是需要一个project ID,就是这个project ID我不知道怎么弄?
ID是SiteID,是购买后IP VENDOR给的.
ID是绑定你的LICENSE的,如果有正版的LICENSE,可以很清楚的看出SITE ID的.
VENDOR的IP现在通常是需要ID+FEARUTE才能顺利安装解开的,而且很多都加密过,解开的也只是个behavior model ,VCS也支持加密的文件的仿真.
:lol :lol:lol :lol:lol :lol:lol
我之前用scl 11.0 11.1 去安裝的時候 他也會回覆我 錯的site id 如果說 用scl 10.9.3 去安裝的時候 擇不會
小编要不要試試看 不同scl 的版本呢 ?
試過了10.9.2 的還是會問
牛人真多啊,弱弱的问一下,这东西哪里搞到的 啊