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cadence spectre仿真遇到的问题,求助

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
*WARNING* The virtuoso analog Design Environment (ADE) creates a user interface (UI) to match the features of the particular
version of MMSIM you are using. The software could not find the 'feature file' in the MMSIM hierarchy that lists the features
avAIlable in this version of MMSIM. You might be using a wrapper script around spectre such that 'which spectre' returns
your wrapper script and not spectre in the MMSIM hierarchy. For now, ADE will create a UI to match the latest version
of spectre. If you are using an older version and do not want to see the UI for features that are not available in
that version, you can set the following variable according to spectre version you are using:
setenvSPECTRE_FEATURE_FILE /home/pathForMMSIM/tools/spectre/etc/files/spectre.dat
Loading msgHandler.cxt
Loading AMSOSS.cxt
Loading AMS.cxt
ERROR (ADE-3023): Unable to locate spectre executable in the specified path. Ensure that
the executable is present in the path or to set the correct path, use
the setShellEnvVar() in Command Interpreter Window (CIW).

写的很清楚啊,你的SPECTRE路径定义的不对。检查一下shell resource文件中的PATH定义

SPECTRE_FEATURE_FILE 我得路径我能打开但就是一直报错,spectre是否需要设置lic在cshrc中?

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