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求 Agilent IC-CAP V2002版本

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
請問版上各位大俠 能提供Agilent IC-CAP V2002 軟件下載點給小弟嗎

Why do you need old version? I have 2004 Version..

Because I need install to WINDOWS NT 4.0 , but if you can support me IC-CAP 2004 , I will try to install and try it .
Thank you very much.

Yes.. I will support. I have Only 2006 version, which supports, win XP and Win 7. No support for NT 4.0.
2004 versions are of non-windowsversions...
Shall i send the down load links for V2006 for Win XP/7 ?

Please support me download link , Thank you very much .

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