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redhat 系统下 modelsim 10.2c 安装问题请教

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:

在redhat 6下,sim软件已安装,待破解,安装wine,死活装不上,各种报问题,很多的问题可以自己安装rpm解决,但是报出如下问题,我不清楚出到底安装哪个rpm,网上都搜过了也找不到答案,请大神帮帮小弟,我都搞了一天啦!这个64-bit development packages到底是个什么鬼,我在http://rpm.pbone.net/搜不到。装软件的电脑不能连外网,yum用不了,我也是没法了
configure: error: X 64-bit development files not found. Wine will be built
without X support, which probably isn't what you want. You will need
to install 64-bit development packages of Xlib at the very least.
Use the --without-x option if you really want this.

you know you can get modelsim for linux native?

Thanks for your reply. Could you advise me how to get modelsim for linux native?

问题解决了,激活没有用wine,更改windows下面的host_name和MAC,利用WIN LICENSE 去key linux下面的。

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