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ET151 运行失败

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:

按大神帖子安装了IC617和其他design tools, 包括MMSIM151, ASSURA41, INCISIVE151, INNOVUS152, GENUS152, CONFRML152, SSV152, 以及ET151.
只有ET151 运行失败,请大神们帮忙看一下。谢谢
[user1@myCentOS]$ eta &
[1] 18086
[user1@myCentOS]$ ALL
Encounter(R) Test and Diagnostics 15.10 Apr 17, 2015 (linux26_64 ET151)
Starting /tools/cadence/ET151/tools.lnx86/tb/tcl/mAIn/guiMainForm.tcl
Error in startup script: invalid command name "TCM::defineCmdArg"
while executing
"TCM::defineCmdArg set_context {
{string -testmode "Specify the name of test mode." testmode 0 1}
{string -experiment "Specify the name of the expe..."
(in namespace eval "::analysis_context" script line 30)
invoked from within
"namespace eval analysis_context {

# Only the commands which are exported from ..."
(file "/tools/cadence/ET151/tools.lnx86/tb/tcl/framework/../reports/analysis_context.tcl" line 30)
invoked from within
"source $dir/../reports/analysis_context.tcl"
(procedure "Framework_init" line 87)
invoked from within
(file "/tools/cadence/ET151/tools.lnx86/tb/tcl/framework/fwinit.tcl" line 229)
invoked from within
"source /tools/cadence/ET151/tools.lnx86/tb/tcl/framework/fwinit.tcl"
("package ifneeded Framework 1.0" script)
invoked from within
"package require Framework"
(file "/tools/cadence/ET151/tools.lnx86/tb/tcl/methodology/meth_cmds.tcl" line 324)
invoked from within
"source /tools/cadence/ET151/tools.lnx86/tb/tcl/methodology/meth_cmds.tcl"
("package ifneeded Methodology 1.0" script)
invoked from within
"package require Methodology"
invoked from within
"if { [info exists env(Install_Dir)] } {
## Source GUI init file to setup auto_path (use TCL_PATH)
foreach dir [split $env(TCL_PATH) :] {
(file "/.testderc" line 2)
invoked from within
"source $::env(TESTDE_RSRC)"
(file "/tools/cadence/ET151/tools.lnx86/tb/tcl/main/guiMainForm.tcl" line 221)

error on centos 7.5
everything worked on centos 6.10
anyone has idea? Thanks

我的是redhat 6.5 也出现了这种问题, 请问您解决了吗?不知道什么原因



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