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安装synopsys遇到Feature not enable问题

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
大家好,小弟这几天安装vcs,在虚拟机ubuntu上,安装完后运行lmgrd -c /usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat,显示很多Feature xxx is not enabled yet,不知道问题出在哪,望大神指教,下面贴出问题命令行# lmgrd -c /usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-ATPG-PRO is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-ATPG-XP is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-ATPG-Limited is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-ATPG-30 is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-ATPG-Ultra is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-Delay is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-Faultsim is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-Diagnosis is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-Accelerator is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-Faultsim-8L is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-Eval is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-Beta is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature Test-CA is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature CXp_GUI is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature CXp_Analysis is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature CXp_CircuitEnvironment is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature him_mod is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature him_mm_pi is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) Feature him_mb is not enabled yet
12:50:20 (snpslmd) License server system started on book-desktop
12:50:20 (snpslmd) No features to serve, exiting
12:50:20 (snpslmd) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 36 Exit reason 4
12:50:20 (lmgrd) snpslmd exited with status 36 (No features to serve)
12:50:20 (lmgrd) snpslmd daemon found no features.Please correct
12:50:20 (lmgrd) license file and re-start daemons.
12:50:20 (lmgrd)
12:50:20 (lmgrd) This may be due to the fact that you are using
12:50:20 (lmgrd) a different license file from the one you expect.
12:50:20 (lmgrd) Check to make sure that:
12:50:20 (lmgrd) /usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat
12:50:20 (lmgrd) is the license file you want to use.
12:50:20 (lmgrd)
中间省略号是还有很多行,都是说Feature xxx is not enabled yet ,然后就停在了最下面不动了,希望哪位给指出问题,谢谢!

start 时间有可能被你设置成未来的时间了,应当设置成过去的时间点,比如 nov-11-2015



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