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哪位有64位的 encounter9.1? 不胜感激

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:

试着在 shell里设置


encounter9.1 在64位系统里,encounter -32 OK,enconter -64 提示安装libXp.so.6,问题是我已经安装了libXp.so.6

[root@ktic51 clx]# yum install libXp.so.6
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: centos.ustc.edu.cn
* extras: centos.ustc.edu.cn
* updates: centos.ustc.edu.cn
Setting up Install Process
Package libXp-1.0.0-15.1.el6.i686 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

[clx@ktic51 test_smic_lib]$ encounter -64
/eda/encounter91/tools.lnx86/fe/bin/64bit/encounter: error while loading shared libraries: libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

yum install libXp*

[root@ktic51 clx]# encounter -64
Checking out Encounter license ...
Encounter_Digital_Impl_Sys_XL 9.1 license checkout succeeded.
You can run 2 CPU jobs with the base license that is currently checked out.
If required, use the setMultiCpuUsage command to enable multi-CPU processing.
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
This Encounter release has been compiled with OA version 22.04-p058.
*Copyright (c)Cadence Design Systems, Inc.1996 - 2009.*
*All rights reserved.*
* This program contains confidential and trade secret information *
* of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. and is protected by copyright*
* law and international treaties.Any reproduction, use,*
* distribution or disclosure of this program or any portion of it,*
* or any attempt to obtain a human-readable version of this*
* program, without the express, prior written consent of*
* Cadence Design Systems, Inc., is strictly prohibited.*
*Cadence Design Systems, Inc.*
*2655 Seely Avenue*
*San Jose, CA 95134,USA*
@(#)CDS: Encounter v09.11-s084_1 (64bit) 04/26/2010 12:41 (Linux 2.6)
@(#)CDS: NanoRoute v09.11-s008 NR100226-1806/USR63-UB (database version 2.30, 93.1.1) {superthreading v1.14}
@(#)CDS: CeltIC v09.11-s011_1 (64bit) 03/04/2010 14:24:46 (Linux 2.6.9-78.0.25.ELsmp)
@(#)CDS: CTE 09.11-s016_1 (64bit) Apr8 2010 03:29:23 (Linux 2.6.9-78.0.25.ELlargesmp)
@(#)CDS: CPE v09.11-s023
--- Starting "Encounter v09.11-s084_1" on Wed Jun 26 13:10:28 2013 (mem=60.7M) ---
--- Running on ktic51 (x86_64 w/Linux 2.6.32-358.11.1.el6.x86_64) ---
This version was compiled on Mon Apr 26 12:41:12 PDT 2010.
Set DBUPerIGU to 1000.
Set net toggle Scale Factor to 1.00
Set Shrink Factor to 1.00000
encounter 1> *** Memory pool thread-safe mode activated.
*** Memory Usage v0. (Current mem = 514.008M, initial mem = 60.719M) ***
--- Ending "Encounter" (totcpu=0:00:07.7, real=0:00:50.0, mem=514.0M) ---


Checking out Encounter license ...
Encounter_Digital_Impl_Sys_XL 9.1 license checkout succeeded.
You can run 2 CPU jobs with the base license that is currently checked out.
If required, use the setMultiCpuUsage command to enable multi-CPU processing.
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
This Encounter release has been compiled with OA version 22.04-p058.
*Copyright (c)Cadence Design Systems, Inc.1996 - 2009.*
*All rights reserved.*
* This program contains confidential and trade secret information *
* of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. and is protected by copyright*
* law and international treaties.Any reproduction, use,*
* distribution or disclosure of this program or any portion of it,*
* or any attempt to obtain a human-readable version of this*
* program, without the express, prior written consent of*
* Cadence Design Systems, Inc., is strictly prohibited.*
*Cadence Design Systems, Inc.*
*2655 Seely Avenue*
*San Jose, CA 95134,USA*
@(#)CDS: Encounter v09.11-s084_1 (64bit) 04/26/2010 12:41 (Linux 2.6)
@(#)CDS: NanoRoute v09.11-s008 NR100226-1806/USR63-UB (database version 2.30, 93.1.1) {superthreading v1.14}
@(#)CDS: CeltIC v09.11-s011_1 (64bit) 03/04/2010 14:24:46 (Linux 2.6.9-78.0.25.ELsmp)
@(#)CDS: CTE 09.11-s016_1 (64bit) Apr8 2010 03:29:23 (Linux 2.6.9-78.0.25.ELlargesmp)
@(#)CDS: CPE v09.11-s023
--- Starting "Encounter v09.11-s084_1" on Wed Jun 26 13:10:28 2013 (mem=60.7M) ---
--- Running on ktic51 (x86_64 w/Linux 2.6.32-358.11.1.el6.x86_64) ---
This version was compiled on Mon Apr 26 12:41:12 PDT 2010.
Set DBUPerIGU to 1000.
Set net toggle Scale Factor to 1.00
Set Shrink Factor to 1.00000
encounter 1> *** Memory pool thread-safe mode activated.
*** Memory Usage v0. (Current mem = 514.008M, initial mem = 60.719M) ***
--- Ending "Encounter" (totcpu=0:00:07.7, real=0:00:50.0, mem=514.0M) ---

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