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ic616 error

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
can landlord help me ,.. pls
i got the following error while achieve virtuoso & (ic616)
[root123@ localhost] # virtuoso &
* WARNING * clsInit fAIled: Can not determine host name Locking is Not allowed with host name 'localhost'..
Check the host configuration. * WARNING * File / root / CDS.log Can not determine host name. Locking is Not allowed with host name 'localhost'. Check the host configuration. * WARNING * File / root/CDS.log.1 Can not determine host name. Locking is Not allowed with host name 'localhost'. Check the host configuration. * WARNING * File / root/CDS.log.2 Can not determine host name. Locking is Not allowed with host name 'localhost'. Check the host configuration. * WARNING * File / root/CDS.log.3 Can not determine host name. Locking is Not allowed with host name 'localhost'. Check the host configuration. * WARNING * File / root/CDS.log.4 Can not determine host name. Locking is Not allowed with host name 'localhost'. Check the host configuration. * WARNING * File / root/CDS.log.5 Can not determine host name. Locking is Not allowed with host name ' localhost '. Check the host configuration. * WARNING * File / root/CDS.log.6 Can not determine host name. Locking is Not allowed with host name 'localhost'. Check the host configuration. * WARNING * File / root / CDS.log.7 Can not determine host name. Locking is Not allowed with host name 'localhost'. Check the host configuration. * WARNING * File / root/CDS.log.8 Can not determine host name. Locking is Not allowed with host name 'localhost'. Check the host configuration. * WARNING * File / root/CDS.log.9 Can not determine host name. Locking is Not allowed with host name 'localhost'. Check the host configuration. Failed to lock log file: / root/CDS.log.9
pls briefly explain the way to fix it

编辑 hosts文件,添加你的主机名到 这两行的的后面
另外如果你的主机名是 localhost,对于ic616是无效的hostname,改掉吧。


myself hostname is localhost.localdomain

#vi /etc/hosts
[size=11.818181991577148px] localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
[size=11.818181991577148px]::1localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

[size=11.818181991577148px]where i can edit my hostname localhost.localdomain,.. kindly reply,.... thanks in advance

thanks you so much for your help nearly one month i tried ,... with your help i achieved now ,...
and one more help ,..

i have Hotfix_IC06.16.060_lnx86 and Hotfix_IC06.16.050_lnx86.Hotfix.

when i try to install latest hotfix_IC6.16.060 require base package also ,... i install Base[size=11.818181991577148px]_IC06.16.005_lnx86

finally it shows some error ,... some packages not installed correctly,....

but i now installed the older version Hotfix_IC06.16.050_lnx86.Hotfix....

i wanna to install Hotfix_IC06.16.060_lnx86. it shows error ,... could you help me #snk88


Errors during installation.
Detailed error information is in the following file:
The following selected products were NOT installed:
111:Cadence(R) Design Framework II
12141:Cadence(R) Design Framework Integrator's Toolkit
206:Virtuoso(R) Simulation Environment
21060:Virtuoso(R) Schematic VHDL Interface
21400:Virtuoso(R) Schematic Editor Verilog(R) Interface
276:Virtuoso(R) Schematic Editor HSPICE Interface
32100:Virtuoso(R) Analog Oasis Run-Time Option
32101:Cadence(R) OASIS for RFDE
32760:Virtuoso(R) Analog HSPICE Interface Option
365racula(R) Graphical User Interface
5100:Virtuoso(R) Layout Migrate
681:Cadence(R) RC Network Reducer Option
70000:Virtuoso(R) AMS Designer Environment
70110racula(R) Design Rule Checker
70120racula(R) Layout Vs. Schematic Verifier
70130:Dracula(R) Parasitic Extractor
70510:Dracula(R) Physical Verification Suite
70520:Dracula(R) Physical Verification and Extraction Suite
71110:Diva(R) Design Rule Checker
71120:Diva(R) Layout Vs. Schematic Verifier
71130:Diva(R) Parasitic Extractor
71510:Diva(R) Physical Verification Suite
71520:Diva(R) Physical Verification and Extraction Suite
900:Cadence(R) SKILL Development Environment
940:Virtuoso(R) EDIF 200 Reader
945:Virtuoso(R) EDIF 200 Writer
95100:Virtuoso(R) Schematic Editor L
95115:Virtuoso(R) Schematic Editor XL
95120:Virtuoso(R) Schematic Editor GXL
95200:Virtuoso(R) Analog Design Environment L
95210:Virtuoso(R) Analog Design Environment XL
95220:Virtuoso(R) Analog Design Environment - GXL
95255:Virtuoso(R) Visualization & Analysis XL
95300:Virtuoso(R) Layout Suite L
95310:Virtuoso(R) Layout Suite XL
95320:Virtuoso(R) Layout Suite - GXL
95510:Virtuoso Implementation Aware Design Option
95610:Virtuoso EAD Advanced Electrical Analysis
95620:Virtuoso EAD Advanced Electrical Analysis
994ostScript Level 2 Hardcopy Output
VPS100:Virtuoso Power System - L
VPS200:Virtuoso Power System - XL
The following components were NOT installed:
All component files are relative to:
Error Installing Component:spectreRFDoc 13.10-p007, File:kits/spectreRFDoc13.10-p007.t.Z

Exception Information:
Exception Message:spectreRFDoc 13.10-p007:IO Exception while extracting file /mnt/hgfs/Hotfix_IC06.16.060_lnx86_3of9/IC06.16.060_lnx86.Hotfix/CDROM1/kits/spectreRFDoc13.10-p007.t.Z.
Could not extract file /eda/cadence/ic616/./doc/rflibrary/images/chap3.5.1.120.png
com.khanpur.util.tar.ISTarIOException:IO Exception while extracting file /mnt/hgfs/Hotfix_IC06.16.060_lnx86_3of9/IC06.16.060_lnx86.Hotfix/CDROM1/kits/spectreRFDoc13.10-p007.t.Z.
Could not extract file /eda/cadence/ic616/./doc/rflibrary/images/chap3.5.1.120.png

i know some packages missing ,.. but i have doubt of iscape problem ,... wanna to use latest iscape ,?

确保你的安装包完整性。 先安装 060,大概到70%左右会让你指定base的安装包路径。



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