首页 > 研发问答 > 综合技术问答 > EDA使用问答 > silvaco2016安装sflm的验证问题


时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
各位大神,我是参照的http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-402000-1-1.html 这篇帖子安装的,系统是CentOS6.7具体问题像下面

[root@oeic bin]# /usr/tools/silvaco2016/bin/sflm -i
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
Version of rpc.sflmserverd : ************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
Version of sflm_monitord : ************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
License file /var/opt/sflm/licenses/Silvaco_56143.1.lic :
LICENSE_ID Silvaco_56143.1VERSION 5KEY abWdghgT5.
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
Setting SFLM administrative password.
New Password?
aksusbd version1.14 (#7528) - key API (USB) version: 3.88
aksusbd version- (parallel driver not avAIlable)
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
Running s_install version: 2.0.3.Rplease wait...
Terminating SFLM RPC servers ... done.
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
Running s_install version: 2.0.3.Rplease wait...
Currently 37108448 KB free in /tmp (>= 8000)
Preparing to install the SFLM server daemon.
This procedure will modify or create the following system files:
Backups will be created in /var/tmp/s_install.bak
before any files are modified.
Run '/usr/tools/silvaco2016/etc/s_install -rm-bak' or
'/var/tmp/s_install.bak/remove' to remove backup files.
Do you wish to proceed? [y|n] y
Verifying permissions ... done.
Installing servers in init.d ...
Backing up /etc/rc.d/init.d/sflm to /var/tmp/s_install.bak/bak.sflm~1~ ... done.
Installation done.
Starting and verifying servers ...
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
SFLM using license file: /var/opt/sflm/licenses
SFLM server ready.
************ W A R N I N G ************
You do not seem to be running a
supported release of Linux. (CentOS)
find: `/root/.silvaco': No such file or directory
sh: /root/.silvaco/sysname.warning: No such file or directory
sysname warning: Unsupport linux version. (CentOS)
rpcinfo: oeic: Name or service not known
Verification failed for sflm on host oeic.
rpcinfo: oeic: Name or service not known
Verification failed for sflm on host oeic.
rpcinfo: oeic: Name or service not known
Verification failed for sflm on host oeic.
rpcinfo: oeic: Name or service not known
Verification failed for sflm on host oeic.
rpcinfo: oeic: Name or service not known
Verification failed for sflm on host oeic.
rpcinfo: oeic: Name or service not known
Verification failed for sflm on host oeic.
RPC server verification failed.

The same situation with you.


#v "SFLM License File"
# silvaco.file ASCII version=1.8.27 format=1

GENERATED "Sun, 1 Jan 2015 17:27:18 GMT"
VENDOR Silvaco
LICENSE_ID Silvaco_2016
# ====================================================================
MAINTENANCE_DATE "Mon, 14 Nov 2080 08:00:00 GMT"
# ====================================================================
LM_HOSTIDS localhost.localdomain-6e7ea7bc-80c850b7
START_DATE "Sun, 1 Jan 2015 08:00:00 GMT"
END_DATE "Mon, 14 Nov 2080 08:00:00 GMT"
# Floating Products
# ======================

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