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questasim in LINUX

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
hello everyone...
I have a question that about my linux environment..
I install the questasim in my linux-OS pcafter set all environment value
and license.dat file ,then restart my pc ...
after pc restart, I type 'vsim' in terminaland the gui can work in normally
but I find a question that is I can't type any things, any works, in command
did any one can tell me what's goings on ?
or any one had meet this problem before ?
is this problem happend from license.dat ?


have you any message(s) in terminal after type 'vsim'?
how you install Questasim?
which linux you use?

Do you have license?

Yes, of course

TO crayfish :
1. after type 'vsim' ->the GUI open in normally and I can use all button, it
seems likes the license is OK, so the terminal did not
show any wrong message.
2. I install Questasim in linux 'red hat enterprise 4' by 'questasim-linux.exe'
3. 'red hat enterprise 4'
my problem is about the GUI which can open normally but can'ttype command in "transcript" window.all the button on the GUI can be use.Just the "transcript" window can't type any word..

Very strange situation. Usually, or do not start 'vsim' or ended when you try to simulate the project (when license problem).
Can you run script from GUI menu? 'Tools-Tcl->Execute Macro...'

to crayfish :
1. It's seems strange problem, I have try to fine somethings over google
wed. some people had meet this problem before but I didn't found any
answer to fix.
Maybe someone who know what's somethigns wrong....
2. when I open the GUI like you says use the button
'Tools-Tcl->Execute Macro...'
Of course. It's can run in normally, I can compile VHDL, Verylog language
andcreate "lib"byscript file .sonow I try to use questasim by scripts
3. Today I find a question that is my script use the 'vsim' command to do
simulation there have a problem :
a.' faild to novas.dll 'do you know where I can find the novas.dll ?
(over debussy(verdi)project file ?)
b.and have you ever use questasim to dumpfile'fsdb' ?
c.ifyou know how to do that could you support me the script or
thank you very much

It seems that ur script should be used under win.
I think in ur script, you should add verdi path under linux.

BTW, can you share the license crack for questa in linux?
I wanta install questa6.5d under centos,but I have not find any license......

http://bbs.eetop.cn/viewthread.p ... t=questasim%2Blinux


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